Venipede x Reader: You Could Never Bug Me~!

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(Description: I'm sorry I'm late, I got lost down the path of life. There, some Kakashi quotes for my lateness, since I seem to be turning into him and his poor sense of time management as of late. This request was made by a kind and considerate Wattpader by the name of Azureman136, so please go show them some of your glorious love on their profile! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this cute-as-shit request.)

Requester: Azureman136


"Ah, Servine. I'm so," you let out a loud yawn, "haaa...tired."

At the moment, you and your two Pokemon were walking through Lostlorn Forest. Your Servine was trudging on beside you while your Woobat was sheltering herself inside her bedazzled PokeBall, far away from the humid day presumably.

Today was a beautiful summer day in the region of Unova. A beautiful, but extremely hot, summer day. And you, being a person who truly didn't think of future consequences, decided to grab a Pokemon or two and actually do some exercise by walking around instead of sitting on your phone at home, wasting another gorgeous day.

Well, you didn't really plan on what could happen if you got lost in the forest while wandering around. Whoops...

Anyways, you were now meandering through the dense forest with your male Servine, looking for any sign of a reachable exit.

"Hhhooottt!!!! Why can't the sun just disappear for like...ever!" you complained, fanning your sweaty face. You took off your (F/C) hat and cleared your damp brow of the sweat slowly building above it. Why, of all days, did you decide to wear pants, more specifically jeans, instead of a loose dress?

"Serrrrr..." Servine wined, stopping mid-walk and hunching over himself to pant for even a smidge of cool air.

You looked back at him with your (E/C) eyes and frowned, "Haa...I shouldn't put you through this delaying torture. Here, let's put you back inside your ball. Love you, buddy. See you in a little!" You raised the ball to your eye level and quickly pressed the white button, sucking the sweaty Servine back into his mini home.

You sighed and placed his ball back onto your ball belt, looking up into the clear sky.

"Let's...ugh. Keep moving, I guess...pleh." you whined, trudging through the shaded woodlands once again.

Though as you were hurrying away, you didn't happen to notice through your whining the silent packs of yellow eyes staring at your disappearing form from all angles. In trees, in bushes, behind tall blades of grass, they were everywhere. They were all solely focused on your goddess-like appearance, your beauty, your kind face, and even though you continued mopping about the heat, they found you quite funny and different than everyone else they've previously seen. A great different, in their eyes. Suddenly, all of the eyes scurried off, following you deeper into the green maze.

~ Timeskip to 30 minutes later, after walking another mile or so... ~

"I-I haaa gotta sttohhp! Ugh!" you weakly cried out, falling back against a large oak beside you for support. You wheezed and gasped for air, your lungs not getting the cool relief they begged for since the oxygen around you was so warm.

The tree you ended up leaning against was on the outskirts of a wide meadow. The meadow was gorgeous, so many colorful flowers and trees, poppies, daisies, and lupines, willows and oaks. Not to mention, all of the different Pokemon species frolicking through out the many flowers and grasses. The weather complimented the scenery wonderfully, highlighting the greenery and life around you.

Though, none of that really appeared to you as you slid down the tree in slight defeat, "Maaan...this sucks! Why do I do this to myself?! Set myself up for failure 24/7...ehhhh. I honestly can't care enough to answer myself right now." You ended up resorting to staying against the tree in your frustration.

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