Decidueye x Reader: My Hero~

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(Description: Usually my reader is strong and independent but today she / you are kinda helpless and meek, in the beginning only! In need of a prince or a certain Grass/Ghost type bird -wink wink nudge nudge- This story is kinda based around the plot of the animated version of Robin Hood -the one with the animals- and you are Maid Marian. -Yes, some of you may have seen the Tumblr post of Decidueye and Primarina- This was requested by two Wattpaders this time, Ai_Yane and Mayote_Shoujo. They're wonderful people so go check them out please! Onto the story!)

Requester(s): Ai_Yane and Mayote_Shoujo


You sighed as you sat perched against the window frame of your room, staring aimlessly onto the mess of lush green trees. The Alolan breeze brushed against your exposed legs making you softly grin. The sun was high in the sky making it's soft rays gleam against the tree tops and ground exposure. Your mind always seemed to clear while looking out at the world before you, having no trouble sitting there for hours at a time just watching the time pass you by. While you were thinking of almost nothing you heard someone softly knock on your door. "Come in." you said with a sigh.

The door slowly creaked open and in popped the tiny head of your head maid, and best friend, (F/N). You smiled, "Greetings, (F/N)." but she only frowned. "Okay, (Y/N), what's wrong?" "N-nothing!" you said with wide eyes, surprised she found you out so quickly. "What is it?" she expectingly asked. You sighed, "It's...It's father again. Even though I have five older sisters he still wants me to get married! He says eventually I'll have to have found the one or he'll pick him for me! The nerve of some men!" you said as you flopped down onto your comfortable bed, near large tears. "Oh (Y/N)...I'm so sorry. I wish I could help." "Can you make me a dream man?" you sadly, but still sarcastically, asked. She sadly giggled, "No but I can talk to the King about your troubles." You gasped and sat up, "Can you?!" "Of course," she happily said, "anything for you, malady." "Thank you." you said as you hugged her. As she left you got up and looked out at the world with a lean once more before closing your blinds.

~ A few yards away ~

"Wow...isn't she beautiful, Greninja?" Decidueye asked in his PokeLanguage. "Yeah, if you're into those kinds of girls." Greninja replied with a grunt. They laughed together as they hid in the tall trees, getting a perfect view of the castle. The two then slid down from their hiding places in the tree tops and walked down a long forgotten pathway. "You just like her because she's the princess, it's a faze. I had a thing for one of her sisters at a point in time, it did not end well." Decidueye laughed at this answer. "Yeah but this is something I really feel inside. A 'deep-in-the-guts' kinda thing." he answered with a swoo. Greninja sighed, "Well I guess it can't be helped. What are you gonna do?" "What do you mean?" "I mean what's your game plan? How are you going to get her, a princess AND a human, to like you, an outlaw Decidueye?" Greninja pointed out as he grabbed a loose Oran Berry off of a long tree branch. "Hmm...I'll think of something." Decidueye said as he grinned, getting many ideas and thoughts of how to win your heart.

"Didn't she say something about needing someone to marry?" Greninja asked as he munched on the berry. Decidueye's eyes widened as he gasped, punching a fist into his other cupped hand. "That's it! I be the one she marries!" "Okaaay but you're still a Pokemon." Greninja annoyingly pointed out once more. "Still true, but I'll just have to get her to fall for me! I'll do what ever it takes! Though, come on, how hard can it be?" Decidueye cockily asked as he determinedly stomped off. Greninja stopped in his place and face palmed, "Here we go. Why am I always stuck with these kinds of Pokemon?" he said as he once again followed Decidueye down the rugged path.

~ Timeskip to really late at night when something, or someone, is lurking deep within in the shadows ~

Greninja soon accidentally stepped onto a dry leaf, making it flimsily crumple under his weight. "Shhh!" Decidueye hissed out as they crept along the castle's cold wall. "I'm trying!" Greninja whispered. "Well try harder!" Decidueye said with a hoot of annoyance. "Well it's not my--mff!" Greninja was then quickly interrupted by a feathery wing as they abruptly stopped. "Shh! We're here!" Decidueye quietly shouted. Decidueye let go of Greninja's mouth and slowly raised off of the ground with a flap of his wigs. As he gracefully landed onto the wide windowsill he lean over and whispered to Greninja, "I'll be back soon! Please stay right there! I'll need you to be there when we leave." "Okay, okay! Just go quickly!" Greninja said as he grumbled and leaned against the chilled wall.

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