Heracross x Reader: Thank You~

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Requester: BlueUmbreon12

(Description: Here's to you BlueUmbreon12, you sweetheart you! Thank you for requesting this, it was a lot of fun to write! Also, again, sorry for the long wait -I blame imagination problems-! Have fun reading!)

You sigh, "I'll be fine, mom! This isn't my first Pokemon hunt!"

Today you are feeling very adventurous and wanted to go on a wild Pokemon hunt. The only problem was your mom. Ever since you dad...passed she has been very secluded from life, even you. So that resulted to you becoming a very shy and timid young lady. Whenever you were in public you would never speak or be near anyone. But you and your mother lived in country so not many people came around anyways.

Your mother sighed. "(Y/N) when are you going to get over this Pokemon faze?! Pokemon are not needed in life, I figured that out and so should you!" she roughly grabbed your right arm while saying this. Your face reddened from anger. Who does she think she is, the fricken Pope?! You wrenched your arm back to your torso and shouted into her face with teary eyes, "Well maybe I don't want to be alone any more!! I'm so sick and tired of being shy and lonely, it's painful to me! You know what, I'm lucky to even be alive right now, I'm surprised I haven't started suicide! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!"

You ran out of the house and into the woods, crying tears of hate. You heard your mother calling you back but you blocked her out and continued to run into the tall trees. Long branches smacked at your body but you didn't care, right now nothing mattered you just wanted it all to end. Why does she do this?! Who gave her the right?! Why won't it all just stop...?! As you slowly halted you realized you were in the middle of nowhere. You swiveled your head back and forth, looking for any signs of human life but found none. You slumped on a fallen tree and hung your head in despair.

You soon realized something and check your waist. On your belt was your trusty Caterpie and four other empty Pokeballs. You sighed in relief, you had at least one friend in this world. Before your father passed he gave you a Caterpie for your seventh birthday. He felt like your were ready to have a Pokemon pal. Though your mother tried to take it away from you he stopped her every time, telling her that you were ready. Even though you didn't know him as long as you should have you know he is the nicest man you will ever meet, and no one will change that.

You sighed and cried some more until out of the corner of your eye you saw a bush in front of you shift it's leafs. You jumped and fell to the ground. When the bush roughly shook again your hand shot to Caterpie's Pokeball. Soon enough a wild Pokemon jumped out of the bushes and tried to attack you. You yelped and jumped back again, analyzing the beast. It had a hard black shell body with a long horn at the top of its head that forked at the top. It had piercing yellow eyes and a stern look on its face.

You took a step back in awe and quickly released your Caterpie. "W-what is that thing?" you stuttered as you brought out the blue Pokedex, your dad also got you, and aimed it at the large animal. The Pokedex scanned the creature and read aloud it's bio. "Heracross, the Single Horn Pokemon. Though gentle and docile, Heracross possesses great strength and power. Their favorite food is the fresh sap of leafy trees." the Pokedex read off as it showed a picture of Heracross and it's stats.

(I am so sorry if Heracross can not be found in forests. In this story they can, cause I literally have no idea where else to put them. My mind says the look like bugs and bugs usually stay in forests so I'm going with forest. Back to the story!)

The Pokemon-- Heracross growled in it's powerful voice and charged at your Caterpie. You gasped, "Caterpie! Dodge it!" Caterpie sprung up in surprise but she didn't dodge the attack in time, she got hit by Heracross' Takedown. You gasped as Caterpie fell to the ground but still got up. "U-umm...C-Caterpie! U-use Electroweb, please!" you asked. Caterpie fired a vicious Electroweb at Heracross and it hit dead on. The Heracross was stunned with electricity and it fell to the ground, struggling to get out of the web.

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