Chandelure x Reader: Paranormal Discoveries~

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(Description: A wonderful Quotev user requested this, and their name is RandomOtakuGirl so go show them some love~! Thank you and enjoy! Also sorry for the ending, I really didn't know how to finish it. And sorry for the wait, I was waiting for the holidays to be over.)

Requester: RandomOtakuGirl


You excited bounced in your plush set as the train sped by the green, rolling hills of Unova. (F/N) nervously fumbled with her papers as she glanced at you. "(Y-Y/N) need to calm down!" she said as she tilted her glasses back into place. "But how can I?! We're going to another haunted house! We usually only get two calls a week, we've gotten four calls this day! We're on fire!! Heh heh!" you giggled.

"I-I know...but can you contain your excitement until we're off of the train?" she politely asked. You sighed and finally relaxed in your chair, "...Okay. I'll wait." She let out a sigh of relief and looked down at her phone, probably to play Flappy Bird. You looked at the outside world and leaned against your open right palm. 'I'll be with you soon my children! Don't worry your pretty little heads!' you thought as you closed your eyes and relaxed against the chilled window.

When you were younger you'd had still had this obsession with Pokemon. Even when you were just a baby every Pokemon just clicked in your mind as okay. But the type you'd been obsessed with the most was a little out of the ordinary for some.

You had always loved Ghost types.

Any Ghost Pokemon to you had been a dear friend. They still are friends to you. Most of the kids were obviously scared of those Pokemon but you would purposely go looking for them whenever you had the chance. You'd go into dark alley ways, abandoned houses, basically anywhere Ghost types can and will linger.

Your parents always tried to stop you but it seemed like everyday you'd come home with a new Ghost following you. Sometimes you'd take your friends with you to school to prank people, you were obviously not very liked in school when you'd do this.

As the years passed you had been very lonely, your ghost friends were not enough anymore. But once you meet (F/N) your world significantly brightened. (F/N) was a very smart and nerdy girl that was just as lonely as you had been. You two had quickly grown very close, your friendship lasting since that time in Kindergarten.

Finally when the time came both of you started a business together. You two worked as ghost 'hunters', you'd answer distress calls that asked for your help with ghost type Pokemon. Both of you would travel region to region to help clear away the ghosts that would haunt for fun. So far this line of work has been going on for about two years. It didn't exactly pay much but it was so much fun to travel around meeting new friends, you and (F/N) were doing what you both loved and it didn't matter how much it costed.

You then smiled as the train station appeared. You then started bouncing again as the train went to a halt. The scratchy sound of a man's voice rang on the speakers when it came to a complete stop, "We have now arrived in Mistralton City. All passengers who are at this stop please exit now. Have a nice day." You jumped for joy as the train door opened. You tightly grasped (F/N)'s right hand with a, "Come on, let's go," and sped out the door.

As the two of you ran by other passengers (F/N)'s voice ran out, "(Y/N), slow down please!"

~ Timeskip to nighttime and arriving at the Celestial Tower ~

(F/N) panted for air as the two of you arrived at the Celestial Tower. "Slow *pant* down...air!" she said as she rested her body weight onto her knees. "That wasn't so bad, you're overreacting--! gotta see this girl...." you said as you raised your flashlight to stare up at the tower. She looked up in fear and yelped as lightning light up the sky and tower.

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