Mewtwo x Reader: Runaway~

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(Description: Yeeeeeah! Nothing really to say, except I hope you enjoy this story. Anyways, let's go! Btw, this story request was made by a Wattpad user named NightperilFox121, so go check them out!)

Requester: NightperilFox121


You sighed as the summer air brushed up against your form, blowing your knee-length dress everywhere across your legs. You slowly sat on the red blanket covering the grass, staring straight into the sunset that just barely arched over the ocean's waves. As you looked around at the beautiful world you heard a small grunting noise from behind you. You turned your head and and saw your beloved Mewtwo floating above the ground with an annoyed look. "Okay, yes I know. No pouting at the sunset." you said as you shook your head. He nodded and soon sat beside you.

He then leaned his head against your right shoulder and softly purred. You smiled as you reached behind you and pet his head, remembering your long past with Mewtwo.

~ Flashback to the Past... ~

"H-Hello..." you meekly squeaked out as you stood in front of the large glass tank. The large body floating in the tank didn't respond, not that you expected it to. "I-I...I'm (Y/N). And I'm guessing you're the new...'experiment' Dad's been working on, huh?" you asked with a sigh as you pressed a hand to the cold glass that locked you away from the thing. As your hand pressed firm against the glass the goo inside that tank rippled and waved. "Why would someone do this? To a Pokemon none the less...," you said to no one in particular, "I just don't see how a Pokemon...could be...bad." "They can be, sweetheart," you heard your father say as you jumped and quickly turned around, "anything like THAT has to be bad. So that's why we study it. Guards, get her out now." he said as two men came to your side and lightly grabbed your arms, dragging you away from the scene. You looked back, only to get a glimpse of your father, some scientist, and the Pokemon before the metal doors slammed shut behind you, closing off and picture of them today.

You sighed as you slumped against the metal door, sliding down to the white quartz flooring. 'Don't worry, I'll save you. Somehow.' you thought with determination.

~ Weeks later timeskip inside of a flashback! Omg! ~

"Hey, me again." you said to the locked away figure. Nothing, like usual. "I...ugh, who am I kidding. I need to get you out of here!" you sulked as you hit your forehead with your palm. "THINK. THINK." you said as you smacked your head. As you looked at the figure for inspiration you saw through the metallic head piece it wore it's eyes were starring straight at you. You gasped as you took a step back in shock. He smirked and suddenly his fingertips glowed an electric blue and the glass broke, releasing all of the green goo that held him captive for so long. 'Psychic. It's a Psychic Pokemon.' you though as you fell to the ground in shock.

You gasped as alarms suddenly blared all around the room and guards bursted through the doors. You father pushed past them and gasped when he saw you and his experiment free, "(Y/N)?! What have you done?!" "WHAT?!! N-No! It's not what you think!" you said as you shook your hands out in front of you. He growled, "Guards, kill them both." One gasped, "S-Sir...the plans we had for Mewtwo!" he said. 'Wow.' you though, remembering to think of Mewtwo as the Psychic Pokemon's name. "I don't care! Kill them!" your father shouted and he raised a finger to point at the two of you. Before anyone could do anything Mewtwo released a swarm of Psychic attacks, sending everyone shakily to the floor except you. You shakily breathed as you tried to keep your cool. Suddenly you were pulled to Mewtwo's side by an unseen force as he wrapped his arm around you, floating off of the ground. 'Hold on tight, human.' you heard a voice echo in your mind as you clung to his body. He soon blushed the wall behind him into bits and flew away right before more guards came. "(Y/N)! Get back here, now!!! (Y/NNNN)!!!!" you heard your father shout after you.

When you two were far enough away Mewtwo ripped off the face mask and remaining wires, giving you a good look at his real face. He looked like the Legendary Psychic Pokemon, Mew, but just 20x more powerful. 'What are you staring at?' he asked in your mind. "Nothing." you said as you shifted your eyes down to the far away ground. After few more minutes of silence you finally spoke up, "Thank you. I n-never really like them." He softly smiled down at you and nodded. "Is your name Mewtwo?" he nodded and spoke, in your mind, in a gruff voice, 'Is your name (Y/N)?' You nodded and smiled. You buried your head into his chest, closing your eyes an falling asleep to the lullaby of his heartbeat.

~ End of flashback ~

You happily sighed as you stared out at the sunsets enchanting colors as the sun disappeared under the waves and the stars were highlighted in the night sky.

Mewtwo had taken you to a secluded area, far away from anyone for supreme security cautions. There was still Pokemon but just no humans though that's okay, Mewtwo can use Telepathy so you two can talk. To be honest you've kinda grown a...crush on him. It sounds stupid but it's true! Ever since he saved you from Team Rocket he's been a part of you. It was almost two years ago that you two escaped, the best two years of your life so far. Mewtwo had told you about how he was created, how your father lied to you, and just mainly the truth. You immediately accepted that he was a genetically modified Pokemon, it was fine by you. Over the years the two of you had rarely went into town, the wilderness provided most of what you needed.

"Hey Mewtwo?" you felt him nodded against your back as he pulled you into his lap. 'Yes, my dear?' he asked in your mind. You blushed but continued, "W-will my runaway?" he was shocked that you asked this but smiled and looked you in the eyes as he turned you to face him. 'Depends, will you be my runaway as well?' he cutely asked. You blushed and nodded, shifting your eyes from him because of the embarrassment. He smiled, leaned down to your left ear, and whispered, "I'll be your runaway~" he then kissed your cheek and gently hugged you to his chest.

You giggled and severally blushed, leaning into his warm embrace. You sighed as you warmly looked up to the sky. The stars twinkled with their small light as they formed many shapes, though the one that caught your eye the most was a heart shaped constellation twinkling down on you two. You blushed and buried your head into his neck.

'My little, runaway~' the two of you thought at he same time as a few shooting stars passed by in the midnight sky.

~ The End ~

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