Hurt!Charmander x Reader: Safe In Your Arms~

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(Description: Think of when Ash got his Charmander in the first season, very hurt and very scared. I had to, I'm sorry! I hate seeing Pokemon in pain though the idea was to good to pass up, sorry again. Hopefully you enjoy. Btw this was not a request >_>)

You ran through the pouring rain,
(H/C) hair soaking wet and damp clothes pinned to your body. You breathed heavily as you sprinted through the forest, running at full speed to the nearest PokeCenter. Your legs were very close to collapsing from all of your running but you kept going. You can't stay in this storm, it's way to dangerous.

As you passed by a few clumped together oak trees, you heard a sudden wail of pain in the distance. You froze and looked back at the trees you just passed. You jogged back to the trees and quietly listened. You heard the small cry again but this time it was even more heart wrenching. You immediately sprung into action and followed the sound of painful screeches.

You finally found the source of the wailing and almost cried at what you saw. It was a small Charmander that had a tight leash on that was tied to a stump. The Pokemon was covered in bruises and scratches, that could have been caused by other Pokemon but who knows. It was whimpering and trying to cover its tail as much as it could and you knew exactly why. A Charmander's life was based on the stability of the flame on their tails. Think of a real fire, if water or dirt get in the fire the fire with go out. Well, if a Charmander's tail flame goes out it will die. And that Charmander's tail was very small and dangerously close to going out.

You instantly panicked and tried to find the sharpest thing in your bag to cut off the tangled up leash. Luckily you found the Swiss Army knife your dad got you from your thirteenth birthday. You'd have to thank your dad later.

You ran over to the stump and got the Charmander's attention. It jumped in surprise at first but quickly got into a battle stance and started growling at you, ready to fight for it's life. But it didn't stay up long because a drop of rain hit the tail and it fell to the ground, whimpering in pain. You gasped and quickly grabbed the chain and started trying to cut it off . The Charmander opened it's eyes a tiny bit and glared at you. You started hearing faint growling from it but you hushed it.

It whimpered when your hand accidentally brushed it's snout. You thought it was from pain and you pulled back a bit but the Charmander dragged your hand back to it and it leaned against your hand for warmth. It had no fight left. It looked so helpless, so frail, and it broke your heart in two. As you pulled on the chain one last time, you gave up and started cutting the leather around the Charmander's neck. Finally the leather was cut off and the Charmander was free.

With wide eyes, it looked down at the cut leather laying on the stump. This human freed him? Why? It accidentally let go of it's tail while it was in deep thought and another drop of rain hit it. It screeched in agony once more and fell onto it's stomach, limply hitting the stump with a thud. You gasped, took off your coat, and covered it, being extra careful if it's tail. You picked up the Charmander and ran, not looking back. As you ran you felt the flame of it's tail heat up a bit but you didn't feel it grow larger. Still a good sign. You grinned a bit and looked down at the lizard Pokemon. But you winced when it's tail flame started burning your arm, but you still kept running. It looked passed out but it slowly opened it's crystal blue eyes a little. It's vision was blurring and turning black, a sure sign it was going to become unconscious, but he faintly saw a blurred (H/C) and a (S/C) blob. "...c-char...m-mand-d..." it didn't even finish it's sentence before its eyes slowly rolled up and it passed out.

You checked on the Charmander once more but saw it was unconscious. You gasped but then sadly frowned down at it. "Don't worry, we'll get you to the PokeCenter soon, buddy." you whispered to it with a kiss on the forehead.

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