~ Author' Note #3 ~

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I know, you don't wanna listen to these things, but hear me out. This is cereal talk right now.

A few hours ago, an acquaintance of mine read one of my Oneshots and told me there were so many errors in one of my stories and it was 'just awful to read' if we're quoting what she said. I, of course, went back and fixed them but it kinda hurt when she said it. She was being really mean about it though, making all these rude comments and crap. It was none of you, I swear, but someone I know from school.

(Clearing this out with anyone who doesn't know.)

I write these stories for FUN. I don't write them as a full-time career (yet.) I write these to help with stress issues and weight problems. These stories encourage me to make myself a better person so that is why I write them. But once it becomes no fun anymore, I will not hesitate to stop writing them.

I love it when you guys minimally help me with editing skills, I appreciate the notifications of help with the big edit problem in some stories, but if it's something small like I put two the's in the same spot leave it be. I re-read these stories sometimes and I find those little things. So please, let me know about the big stuff but let the little stuff slide. Sorry for those of you who are innocent of this crime, you're free to go.

Sorry for that, I just needed to rant for a sec.

From Your Loyal Fanfic Writer,
StarFury ✨

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