Luxray x Reader: Oh You~

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(Description: Ehhhhh. Sorry if this turns out like utter poo -it was rushed because I have other stories to get to and this is just killing me-. Love u all~!)

Requester: BlueUmbreon12 (Sorry for the low quality! I had tests and finals and homework, yeah...not the best two weeks for stories)


As you read your afternoon book you heard a large THUMP upstairs. Already knowing who it was you face palmed, preparing for the end. You cringed as you saw Luxray crash down onto his face, falling with a yelp. You two were at home since it was summer and PokeSchool (go with it if you aren't in school anymore) was out. The day was hot and you were just lounging on your couch and enjoying a nice cup of Earl Gray tea when all of a sudden your male Luxray, being the cute and clumsy Pokemon he is, tripped over his two feet and landed strait onto his face.

Right when you were going to get up he sprung up from his face plant and purred in delight. You sighed but let out a small smile, to predictable. Luxray was also a Pokemon that never gave up, which came in handy when the world was constantly trying to pull you down. You soon laid back down onto the smooth couch and looked back to where you had last left off.

'He chuckled as the knife was laid to rest at Grayson's quivering side...' before you continued you felt a small nudge on your stomach. You soon marked your place and lifted your book, only to see it was Luxray giving you the "Puppy Dog" eyes. You sighed and, not being able to resist that face, asked him, "What do you want, honey?" He smiled and started climbing up onto the edge of the couch. You let out a small yelp and started scrunching back into the back of the couch. "No no no no no!!" you repeated as he laid onto your stomach with his large paws. As the air was knocked out of you, you wheezed it out with a sigh. You dryly laughed and started petting his head.

"Ha ha! Haaaa... Okay, okay! You win!" you said with a smile. He purred in response and nuzzled his head further into your stomach. You blushed and lightly kissed his forehead. You lightly groaned and laid your head back down onto the couch, setting your book onto the floor in the process, and almost instantly fell asleep.

As Luxray wondered what the heck just happened, he stared at sleeping your face. As he looked at your peaceful face he couldn't help but chuckle. You were to cute for words. He then laid his head onto your stomach and soon fell to dream land as well.

~ Timeskip to the next morning ~

As you slowly woke up you couldn't help but groan in an annoyed voice as the Sun shone in your face. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. 'Welp. Another day in paradise.' you thought with a smile. As you tried to get up, you couldn't. With an annoyed look you checked your mid section because thats were the previously unknown weight was.

There you found a snoring Luxray.

You continued to stare at him until you finally harshly poked his nose. Since your Luxray was usually a light sleeper he jolted (heh heh) up and crazily looked at what had hit him. You giggled and pet his fur, which was now standing on end. He relaxed and settled into your touch, loving the felling of your baby soft hand gliding across his back. You giggled, "Time to get up, bud. I have a book to finish."

He shook his head and smirked. You lifted an eyebrow and smirked as well, "No? And why not?" You felt his snuggle deeper into your chest and playfully growl. You realized it was an act of laziness and laughed. "Oh you~" you said with a smile. You yawned and laid back down, "Ehhh. I'll get up later. Night, honey." You felt Luxray smile into your shirt as you fell back asleep.

~ The End ~

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