Yandere! Incineroar x Male! Reader ~Part 3~: One Day

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(Description: This will be the last part for yandere Incineroar's story, sorry for those of you who like this particular topic but I have just lost interest in it. This does not mean I will not write for Incineroar anymore, it just means that yandere Incineroar's story stops here. This request was once again made by the amazingly fantaboulous Wattpad user, Silversoul71, so please show them some love. Thank you for reading this, enjoy the show.)


For those of you who are having issues with your self confidence or things like that, you most likely don't want to read this story! I'm sorry, but this story will be like that so if you're having those kinds of issues, you might not want to read this! Thank you. Also, there will be cussing!

Requester: Silversoul71


You couldn't believe this had happened to you, of all the people in the world it had to be you. You, the clueless trainer of Alola who just had to choose that Litten because it was so "cute." Why it was not another person, you would never know. Your thoughts had went plain and dark. All of the hope you had was gone, it all has finally dried up a few weeks ago. You thought everyone you knew gave up on finding you. That everything you had was gone. Basically, you thought your past life was dead. Incineroar made sure you knew that.

Though, you'd never wish this fate upon someone else, you're not like that. No one deserves this kind of pain. In fact, you're glad that no one else you knew had to deal with any of this, you didn't know if any of them could stand it. Lillie...Hau...Your Mom...Gladion...you've constantly wondered how they've been doing ever since you disappeared. Do they miss you? Do they want you back home? Or, are they glad you're gone? Who knows? Who cares? You stopped caring about anything long ago.

For awhile, you honestly told yourself that all of this was just a nightmare. All of this torment was a horrible nightmare and you'd wake up any minute now. What a nice thought. You knew very well that this torture may never stop.

But do you think I'm talking about physical pain? No, no I'm talking about another form of pain. A pain that overthrows any other. A kind of pain that cuts deep into the soul and mind while still seeming weak to others. They're tiny things but they deal the most damage, and they're not hard to achieve either.

The verbal abuse. The mental pain.

You could feel your sanity slipping farther from you every day. The longer you stayed in this cave, tied to the wall, the less your mind stayed in tack. You'd stare at the opposite wall, day in and day out, week after week, and yet you could hear everything but yourself. You heard the outside world, the thumps of Incineroar's feet, the grass sway in the breeze, the leaves shake, you heard it all. Except the sound of your own voice. You mindlessly spoke in the darkness and prayed for something to come along and kill you but you couldn't hear it. Everything you said was nothing but air to your ears. The reason you couldn't hear yourself was because of something highly expected. You heard it all before. Every time you prayed, cried, screamed, your brain heard it and eventually it got tired of it all. It basically made you tune yourself out. You tried everything but nothing worked. Your stuck.

That's why you wanted your demise so strongly.

You craved for the sweet release of death, you wanted it so badly, but it never came. Instead of death there was Incineroar, a new form of torturous defeat. He was like the the Grim Reaper but worse.

You'd constantly beg and plead him to either let you go or take your life. Every time he dismissed your thoughts and curl up onto your body. And it fucking killed you every damn time. You wanted death and yet he brushed those words off like leaves, he'd say that it was just a phase but it really wasn't. You just needed an end to this story, was that so much to ask?

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