Cubone x Reader: Frosting~

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(Description: A lot of Cubone stories I've read are about how Cubone lost it's mother and feels horrible. I'm not writing about that cause Cubone is the sweetest munchkin and I'm NOT making him go through that again. This story will be all hugs and rainbow, m'kay?! Request made by the beautiful Wattpad user BlueUmbreon12. Thank you.)

Requester: BlueUmbreon12


Cubone cutely giggled as a dollop of creamy frosting was softly placed onto his nose. "Having fun yet?" you giggled out. He made a happy noise as he excitedly stared at the half-frosted cake in front of him, silently asking you, 'Can I have it?' "No, not yet." you said, almost as if you read his thoughts. He sighed at this answer and sadly slumped down onto the cool table. "Buuut in a few minutes you can have some!" he then perked up once more with a happy yip.

You laughed as you saw his small tail wag in excitement. 'Silly~' you thought while you further mixed the delectable frosting in the bowl, adding more of it to the cake as time passed. The frosting dripped down the cake's edge making it look ravishingly mouthwatering. You soon heard your stomach growl in desperation as the smell of fresh cake and sweet frosting wafted to your nose. 'Later~' you told yourself. "Boop!" you said as you spooned another dollop of frosting onto Cubone's nose. He giggled once more and quickly lapped up all of the frosting making your smile widen.

After a few more minutes the cake was finally fully frosted. It was a three tier chocolate cake frosted over entirely with neon pink frosting and rainbow sprinkles. But since it was only you and Cubone living in the house you'd probably have a lot of leftovers. You chuckled at this thought and slowly grabbed a large kitchen knife, making sure to be extra careful of the sharpness. You steadily cut the cake into large pieces, quickly setting two of the fresh pieces on two plates. "Eat up, bud! You deserve it after that great performance in our battle earlier!" he eyes lit up when the cake slice was set in front of him. He soon grew starry eyed, literally. One large white star filled the center of his pupils, this happened anytime he was excited or something close to that. With no manors he gobbled down the cake, leaving no trace of it behind.

You stared in awe as you watched how fast he ate the cake. After one minute he had finished the entire slice, ending in a lazy laying position. His mouth was surrounded with sprinkles and frosting and on his small body lay small chunks of the cake. He made a small grunt of approval as he held up a small thumbs-up to you. You blushed, sighed, and giggled all at once, contemplating how much more of his cuteness you could take before you went full weeaboo.

You then obnoxiously laughed as you saw he quickly and quietly fall asleep. You soon slapped a small hand over your mouth to shut you up, trying to replace any quiet that was broken. You quietly stared at his, quite adorable, sleeping face. He looked so relaxed and not on guard like he usually is. You smiled and lifted the skull over his real head up a bit. As soon as you saw a bit of his cheek you lightly pressed your soft lips to the warm skin with a smile. "Goodnight~" you said as you slowly scooped him into your long arms. You exited the kite hen brought him to the living room couch and laid him down on a big pillow, draping a fuzzy blanket over his tiny body. "Awww~!" you quietly whispered as you took a photo of him. "This is so going up on Tumblr." you said as you turned and walked away to your room to get ready for sleep.

'Goodnight, (Y/N)~' Cubone thought with a smile when you had finally left. He blushed as he felt were you had kissed him with his tiny claws.

And to think frosting was a major role in this beginning of a long journey or love~

~ The End ~

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