Yandere! Fem! Primarina x Fem! Reader: Shut Out~

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(Description: This lovely request was made by a selfless Wattpad user by the name of Chiboprincess so please go show them some of your kindness! Thank you and I hope that this yandere story will creep you out!)

Requester: Chiboprincess


You grunted in frustration as Primarina was hit once again with Decidueye's Leaf Blade. "H-Hey Primarina," you called to her, "I have to call you back, all your doing is hurting yourself! You can't win against his Decid--" but before you could finish she let out a grunt of anger, signaling you to shut up. Her usual kind, blue eyes seemed to turn hateful as they glared at you.

"B-But type--" again she interrupted you with a grunt. You sighed and continued to battle the Professor. You saw the Professor look at you with a sad look as you ordered her to use Dazzling Gleam.

Five minutes later you had a win against Professor Kukui but a fainted Primarina as well.

"Hey...was Primarina feeling okay? She's usually not like that." Professor Kukui called out as walked over to you and tried to hand you a large amount of PokeDollars. You shook you head as a 'no' when he offered the PokeDollars which he understood and put the payment away for later.

"I asked Nurse Joy about it but she said she didn't have a clue about what was wrong. I also asked both Hau and Lillie but they too said they didn't know. Heck, I even flew to Akala Island and hunted down Lana for an answer but it's like the world is clueless to my problem." you sadly said as stared at Primarina's PokeBall in your open palms. Professor Kukui frowned as he saw you longingly look at the PokeBall but got an idea.

"Hey, why don't you stop using Primarina for awhile and start using one of your other Pokemon?" he suggested. You looked at him with a shocked face but he only laughed. "Just place her in a box for a bit and when you think she's finally come to her senses you can take her out."

"I don't know...she gets kind of...jealous when I don't battle with her..." you said while you looked at the floor.

"Oh come on, it'll only be a few days at most! After all, she deserves the break." he pressed. You sighed and nodded your head as he squealed in delight. He slowly leaned down to your forehead and placed a small kiss on it.

"I'll talk to you later, cousin! I'll be seeing you!" he said as he walked away with a wave, probably going back to his shack-of-a-home.

"Bye..." you quietly said as he finally disappeared from sight.

You then looked down at Primarina's PokeBall again and sighed. 'Should I really follow his advice?...No. He's always right. Well, most of the time he's right.' you thought with a nod, placing her PokeBall onto your belt once again and started heading over to a PokeCenter to place her in a Box.

~ Timeskip to slightly more than a week later ~

You giggled when your Skarmory ate a PokeBean and chirped. He did a spin in the air as a trick which made you smile even more.

"Aw! You're such a cutie!" you giggled.

"Skarmory!!" he agreed. You smiled and slowly raised your PokeBall to suck him back inside. You put the ball away and started back down the route again as you kept an eye out for any trainers.

Suddenly you stopped and stood still, watching the water splash against the shore line from a far. 'I feel like I'm forgetting something...' you thought. As you continued to stare at the ocean you realized what you'd forgot.

You gasped as the answer hit you like a ton of bricks, "PRIMARINA!"

You then started to sprint the opposite way back to the PokeCenter. 'Oh god, she's been in there for a week. How could I be so stupid?!'

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