Alain x Pokemon Master! Reader: Au Revior~

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(Description: I'm not to sure how to write for this character but I'll try my best! This story was requested by a darling Wattpad user named Duskspirit so go show them some amazing love. Here we go!)

Requester: Duskspirit


You calmly sighed as a light morning breeze flew by. "God, today is just wonderful." you commented. The sun was high in the sky which made the vast landscape glisten in it's rays. You stretched up your arms towards the sky and whooped a small cheer. Suddenly, an idea hit you. You froze and slowly lowered your arms with caution and gazed around.

Besides you, the field was completely empty at the moment, no signs of any life were noticeable. With that image in your mind you thought, 'Ah, what the heck, no one's here,' and grabbed three shiny PokeBalls from the holder on your belt. "Hey," you heard a voice from behind say, "I see that you have PokeBalls." Surprised by the voice, you stopped reaching for the PokeBalls and turned to face him. 'Ugh. Trainers. Never any privacy in this small world.' you thought whilst looking the boy up and down, a frown etched on your normally soft face.

The first thing you noticed was that he had gorgeously untamed black hair, paper pale skin, and phenomenal blue eyes. His broad expression was extremely serious, including the intense scowl he held at you. His neck modeled an ice blue scarf that looked soft to the touch. His coat was some kind of gray leather and his shirt constituted of two colors, a white and a deep blue. His gray pants sagged purposelessly and his shoes were expensive black combat boots. Overall, he looked pretty cool. His arms then crossed over his chest and he quietly spoke, "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" "The one and only." you jokingly replied with a bow. Once you answered he slowly reached behind his back and pulled out a small PokeBall that rested in his large hand once unleashed from it's holder.

Soon enough he thew the ball into the air which sent out the signal to alert his beautiful Charizard to come out and greet you with a growl. "The name's Alain, and I challenge you to a Pokemon Battle!" he said with a smirk as he struck a pose. Charizard flapped his wings in agreement and also posed in a cool fashion.

At first you only stared at the two as they continued to pose. You then started choking up with laughter. 'W-What?! Why is she laughing?' he thought as a scowl filled his face once more. You leaned back up and whiped an imaginary tear from your eye. You sighed and faced forward, grabbing a PokeBall from your belt. "As you wish, Alain, but I'll show you why they call me a Pokemon Master." you said, smirk widening into almost a cheshire grin.

You threw up your PokeBall into the air and shouted with might, "Go, Gyrados!" As the ball glided through the air it opened and out emerges your massive male Gyrados. He then let out a gurgling roar to greet everyone, it was so loud that it shook the very ground you all stood on. You saw Alain's Charizard shrink back in fear but still try to continue to stand tall as Gyrados stared straight into his soul. Gyrados' eyes pierced through his heart which made Charizard's pulse quicken. Alain sucked in a short breath and shakily swallowed an imaginary lump in his throat. He then regained his stoic face and stood tall.

"W-Well, bet you didn't know I could do t-this!" Alain shouted to you as he raised his left arm and lightly pressed the Charizardite X planted inside his Mega bracelet. Charizard was surrounded in a glowing light that consumed his figure. When the light was almost unbearable to look at it faded away to show Charizard's changed body. His form was now a jet black with blue flames licking everywhere. Everything about him had slowly enhanced to show his true power and brutal strength, his Mega evolution. Charizard harshly stomped the ground and let out a roar that challenged Gyrados'.

"Aw, how cute!" you teased with a smirk. "What?! How is THIS cute?! It's pure power, you should be quivering in fear!" Alain shouted." "Do you think I'm that dumb? Do you think that I DON'T carry around Mega stones?" you asked as you dug in your back jean pocket to bring out a shimmering Gyradosite. "No..." he fearfully whispered to himself. "Yep~! Here we go, baby!" you shouted as you placed the Gyradosite inside it's designated place and tapped it down. Gyrados' body was then wrapped with streams of light that completely covered his figure. As the lights expanded his shape grew and soon enough the lights bursted away to show them new Mega Gyrados. His back and facial fins massively grew into tall peaks as his usual curved back turned into a stiff size. His gaze grew into a deeper scowl while his colors enhanced to show new shades of reds and deep blues. He let out another roar that could shake the heavens themselves, making his previous attempt look petty. It's tremendous volume and tone made flocks of Pidove fly away in fright, also making the ground Pokemon shriek in amazement and slight fear.

"C-Come on, Charizard! We can do this!" Alain shakily cheered.

~ Timeskip to after the battle ~

"Awwww...You did your best, Charizard..." Alain grumpily said as he raised the PokeBall and sucked his fainted Charizard back inside. Alain sighed and sat onto the ground and began crisscrossing his legs, thinking hard.

You grinned at Alain's silliness and raised Gyrados' PokeBall. "Bye, bud. See you in a little. Thanks for the help!" Mega Gyrados grunted out a happy sound and willingly went back to his home in the PokeBall. You tucked away the ball and walked over to the disappointed Alain. You giggled and kneeled down to his form. "Hey...that was a great battle, you and Charizard were so in sync!" you said as you placed a hand onto his shoulder. You felt his shoulders hunch even further which made you frown. He then looked up at you with glazed eyes. 'Yesh...what is up with--!' your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by him tightly grasping onto your waist. "Eep!" you yelped as you gazed into his electric blue eyes. Each second felt more awkward and...amazing as he held you there.

"Teach me." he clearly said. "W-W-What??" you asked as you placed your hands onto his shoulders, trying to push him back. His face was stoic but his eyes held bucketfuls of emotion, making you blush an extremely dark red. It didn't help that his face was pretty close already, it was so close that you could feel each of his quiet breaths on your soft lips. "Teach me how to become stronger, like you." he strongly said with a nod.

Your sweat dropped as he patiently stared at you. Minutes later you began to calm down and finally relax in his arms. You began to giggled once more and place your hands onto his. He glanced down at what was happening but he still tried to maintain a strong gaze with you. His cheeks turned into a pale pink as he continued to get lost in the sweet sounds of your giggles, drowning further down into it's endless abyss. 'Cute...' the two of you thought without even knowing. You coughed and he then realized his hands were off your waist and at his sides. "Well, I'm not going to teach you anything!" you said as you jumped up from the ground. "What?! Why?!" he shouted as he scampered up to be at almost level with your gaze (you are taller than him >^<). You giggled at this and ruffled his soft hair. He dramatically rolled his eyes and replaced his hair. "I'm not telling you anything because I still want a challenge the next time we battle, Champ!" he pouted at this answer. "Never call me that again." "Ha! Okay, Champ!" you giggled out. Alain slouched once again as the tension cooled like lava.

He sighed and closed his eyes, facial features growing into another scowl, continuing to get lost in his many thoughts. You smiled and turned. 'Why does she have to be so...cute?!' he thought as he grit his teeth. "Well, I gotta go now! Wow! You really did keep me the entire day!" he heard you say, your angelic voice slicing him from his running mind. He turned to your voice and saw that you were perched on top of a massive Dragonite. He gasped and ran to your Dragonite before it took off. "W-Wait! Will I see you again?" he nervously asked, instantly regretting how that came out so petty sounding. You giggled and lifted his chin to make him stare straight into your sparkling (E/C) eyes. "But of course! When we decide to battle once again!" "Can we battle again tomorrow? Maybe at 2 o'clock at Café Triste in Lumious City?" You blushed when he asked this but still continued to smile. You grasped his hands in yours and quietly asked, "Are you asking me out on a date?" "W-W-W-Wha--?!" "If so, I accept!" you happily answered while interrupting him. He heavily blushed and scratched the back of his head, "O-Okay. S-See you then!" You smiled and faced forward once more.

"Let's go, boy!" you shouted to Dragonite. Dragonite nodded and prepared for lift off. The two of you then set off into the sky, but to where only the Lord knows. "Au Revior, cutie~!" you shouted back to Alain while you flew off. Alain lowered his hand, "Au Revior...~" Alain quietly said as you flew farther away, bright blush still evident. 'What is wrong with me?' he asked as he couldn't stop thinking about you.

Well, one thing is definitely for sure, it definitely was an Au Revior. Until tomorrow, that is~

~ The End ~

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