Espeon x Reader: Your Reflections~

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(Description: So most of this story takes place in the Reflection Cave in Pokemon X / Y. Be prepared for anything..!! This request was also made by a lovely Quotev user named Baby Flowey! Go show them some love!)

Requester: Baby Flowey (sorry for long wait!)


You stood in front of the massive cave mouth, gulping down your fears. You shakily blinked and stared down the cave.

You recently had heard stories from your friends that a giant, cave-dwelling monster lived deep inside those walls. Though you didn't believe the fable it still chilled you to the bone. Then again, who knows what lives on there? Anything really could! You nervously brought your hand to your face and counted to ten in your head, it helped to calm you.

You sighed, it couldn't be helped. You had to pass through Reflection Cave to get to Shalour City, to continue your journey. You took in a breath and reached for the PokeBall that held your strong, male Espeon.

Espeon had been there for you since basically the beginning of your journey. You had only just started catching Pokemon and one day an wild Eevee just sprung out of the tall grass and tried to attack you. After the battle you caught the small Eevee, keeping him for yourself. Naturally, Eevee did not like you at first but he grew to adore you. Then he finally evolved into the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, the Psychic Eevee evolution, Espeon. Espeon was one of your greatest partners in battle and your best friend. You trusted Espeon with all of your heart and now you desperately need him to trust you back.

You then pressed the release button on his PokeBall, setting him free. He quickly sprang out with a call of his name, turning to you in the process. His slick fur shined in the morning light, making him appear to be a god as he tilted his head at you, his gem also sparkled as the light hit it adding on to the favorability. "Espe! Espeon?" he purred out as he pranced over to your side. "O-Oh, how are you feeling today Espeon?" you asked in a shaky voice as you continuously glanced at the cave, expecting anything to pop out and attack. He rubbed his head against your thigh and purred, silently asking what was wrong. You sighed and placed a hand on his head, slightly rubbing. He hummed in acceptance and smiled.

You puffed out your cheek and glared at the cave, why should you be scared of some measly Pokemon? You have your strongest Pokemon with you, let's show this Cave who's boss! You then got a serge of determination and perked up. "Let's go Espeon!" you said with a small smile. You then ran into the cave and whooped in excitement, leaving Espeon in the dust.

He quietly stared at where you had just ran to. 'What the heck is she getting herself into?' he thought with a shake of the head and ran after your disappearing form.

~ Timeskip to after beating a few challengers ~

You sighed as you kneeled down to Espeon, feeding him an Oran Berry. As he munched on the berry you looked at the cave around you. Lots of the walls were covered in glossy, mirror-like pieces of glass that gleaned in the small light. Almost unconsciously, you slowly stood and walked to one of the mirrors. You heard Espeon calling for you but couldn't stop your movements, you were like a marionette being controlled by a puppeteer.

You soon reached one of the mirrors and dreamily looked at yourself. Your beautiful (H/C) hair was covered by a black sports cap. Your shirt was disheveled and dirty. Your jeans were covered in dirt and your shoes were worn out from all of the walking. To most you would look filthy and uncivil but you thought you looked like a beautiful princess.

Soon enough you looked up to your eyes and saw not lovely (E/C) eyes but devilish magenta jewels, glinting in an unknown light. The mirror showed that you were smirking but you felt no smirk on your face. You shakily took a step back, ready to run and grab Espeon. The mirror you's smirk widened at your actions and it's arms dramatically shot out of the mirror, materializing into real arms that tightly grabbed onto your shoulders. You screamed as the figure laughed, and you soon broke out of it's grasp but were not quick enough to run. It quickly jumped out of the mirror and latched onto your right ankle before you could leave. Espeon barked out it's name as you were slowly pulled back by the mirror you, straight into the mirror. You felt it dig its nails into your ankle and your cried out in pain, clawing at the dirt for something to latch onto.

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