Serperior x Reader: A Snake's Hug~

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(Description: YEAAAH! This fantaboulous request was made by a Wattpad user by the name of Mayote_Shoujo so go visit them! I absolutely LOVE Serperior, he IS one of my favorite final starter evolutions. So, yeah! Let's be on our way!)

Requester: Mayote_Shoujo


"Ugggggh! Serperior, please! Let me go!" you shouted as Serperior squeezed you a lot tighter than before whilst sending out many strings of cute purrs. "Ser Ser perior~," he said with a chirp, "Serp!" You groaned as you tried to shift but ultimately couldn't. "Please?! I'm losing feeling in my legs...?" "Ser...Serp!" He then shook his head 'no'.

So, to begin, Serperior is a serious hugger. And when I say serious I mean a SERIOUS hugger. He can give you a great hug if you need one, and sometimes if don't. And right now you didn't really need a hug. You had to get to your school work but he was keeping you from it, making you more annoyed as the time passed on. "Serperior! I don't need hugs right now! They're great, but please! I need to do my work!" you begged. He leaned down and pecked you cheek with a lick. You flinched back and blushed. "U-uhhm.." you said as you buried you head into your jacket sleeves. Serperior made a laughing sound and nuzzled the top your head. "Serperior..." you groaned as he messed up your previously perfect hair. "Don'" you slowly wheezed out before you yawned and soon fell asleep. "Serper?! Ser-- S-se?! Ser...Ser Ser...per..." he blushed as he said this. He then loudly yawned and laid his head lightly on yours. "Seeeeeerrrr..." he ghosted out as he slowly closed his ruby eyes and fell asleep whilst curled around you.

~ Timeskip to two hours later ~

You tiredly opened your eyes and yawned, trying to stretch your aching limbs. When you couldn't you looked up. There you saw Serperior tightly squeezing your form with an almost unconscious grin. You blushed and wiggled, having no effect in the end. You sighed and coldly stated, "Serperior? Are you awake?" He giggled and nodded his head while opening his eyes. "Can you let me go? Please?" you politely asked. He then shook his head 'no' and squeezed you tighter, smirking the entire time as he rebelled. You blushed and grinned, kissing his exposed neck multiple times. "I...I love you too, honey." He slightly shrunk back in embarrassment as you did this and he lowered his head behind your front torso. You giggled and leaned back onto his large head, staring up at the plain white ceiling with a smile.

Snake hugs were always your favorite kind of hugs anyways~

~ The End ~

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