Darkrai x Reader: Opposites Attract~

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(Description: Yeeeeeeah. Kinda had to with this one, ran out of ideas! This request was made by a lovely Wattpad user by the name of badiryahblackfire, so go check them out! Onto the story! It be so short.)

Requester: badiryahblackfire (or Calista Ranee for short)


Darkrai sighed as he watched you spin around the room in tight circles, yelping in happiness as the rain pounded against the window. "Why are you so...happy? I thought you hated the rain." he said as the word 'happy' singed his tongue. You giggled, "Because, I am happy for after the rain, when the," you then dreamily sighed as you stared off into the distance, "rainbow comes~!" He lifted a nonexistent eyebrow as he watched you looking out the window, in a longing sort of way. He shifted his blue eye from you in a fluster, "W-Well...you're just gonna have to wait until it stops." From the couner of his eye he saw you spring up and gasp. "Wait, you're not gonna play with me?!" you asked in a surprised tone. He shot his head at you with a wide eye, "E-Ehh?!" You giggled and hoped over to him, sitting next to him on the couch while pulling him close, "You promised to play with me earlier! What happened to that?!" He rubbed the back of his head as he nervously chuckled, he had promised you that. "W-Well...," he sighed out, "I-I guess I could try...only for a little though!" You gasped and smiled, "Thank you, Darky!"

~ Timeskip to two hours later, after all of the playing and stuff ^-^ ~

He rolled his eyes when he saw you asleep on the floor, crashed from the intense playing that just happened. He looked out of the window and surprisingly saw no rain pouring down, only bright sun shine. "Huh. Would you look at that." he said in an astonished voice. "Look at what?" you said as he shrieked in shock. "What the hell?!" he shouted. "Hey! No cursing! Manors, young man." you said as you looked out the window. Once you saw the sunlight your eyes widened and you screamed in delight. "FINALLLLLLY!!" you groaned out as you sped out of the front door, shouting for Darkrai to follow.

He cringed the second he stepped into the beams of light. He was very uncomfortable being exposed like this. He was a creature of the dark, and not the light. Son of the night! No being like himself should-- his thoughts were interrupted by a loud and cheerful voice, "Darkrai! Please, come going me!" He sighed as he reluctantly glided to where you were and looked, but gasped at what he saw. Beside you was a small Banette who looked like a newborn, a slick Purrloin, and a weirdly large Butterfree. He straightened up as he glided down towards you and sat down, being greeted by the new Pokemon. "Aren't they just the cutest! Oh, wait! I have something for you! Close your eye!" he slowly closed it as he felt you place something on his head with a smile. "Aaaaand there! Have a look-see!" you excitedly said as he peered at his reflection in a small makeup mirror. "Ta da!" you said as you showed a small flower crown that had meek purple and red flowers on in. "You like it? My new friends helped me!" you said as you hugged the three new Pokemon close.

It looked like he was blankly starring at the gift but he was really freaking out about it, in a good way. If his blush showed his face would be as red as a Poppy and his heart was going a million miles per second. "You...you made this...for me?" he asked in a quiet voice. "Y-yeah...what's wrong, do you not like it?" you sprung out and grabbed his face. Surprisingly, he had small tears in his eye as he broke from your hold and grabbed your waist, sobbing into your shoulder. "Thank you...thank you...so m-much..." he croaked out as he kept crying. Even though you were startled you pet his head in an excepting way, pulling him closer as well.

Even though he was the complete opposite of you opposites attract, right?

~ The End ~

(He was super embarrassed later when found out that he broke out like that in front of you.)

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