Shiny! Greninja x Reader: Differences~

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(Description: I'm sorry for the LONG wait! This request was made an amazingly fantaboulous Wattpad user called VioletShadowblade so go show them luv. Thanks! And she said she wanted it to be like my other Greninja stories but I might make it a bit different than the rest, fair warning. We're just gonna immediately jump into the story.)

Requester: VioletShadowblade


"Pssh, what even is that?! Ha!" a young boy said as he sent out an angry Pidgey. "Umm it's a Greninja. Haven't you seen one before, little boy?" you taunted as you grit your teeth. "Well, it sure doesn't look like one! I mean, look at it! Greninja's have beautiful blue skin, not an ugly black!" the boy droned, making his Pidgey laugh. You heard Greninja whimper as the mean comments kept coming and that pissed you off. "Ugh, shut up! You don't know anything--" "I know enough to know that your Greninja is a freak of nature!" You growled and thought, 'That little shit! I'll kick his ass for saying those things.' Right before you ordered Greninja to hit the Pidgey with his Night Slash Greninja went back into his PokeBall with no words. The boy smirked as your face fell. "Guess I win." he said. You took out a few squished PokeDollars and rudely handed them to the punk. You then ran off into he deep woods. "He'll never be excepted!" the boy stated as the two of them laughed at your running form.

~ Timeskip to you in a flowery meadow, deep in the woods ~

You panted and fell to the flowery ground. The meadow was quiet as a tiny breeze blew by your form. Your breathing calmed as you looked to the blue sky. You sighed and you looked back down and took Greninja's PokeBall in your hands. "Come on out." you whispered to the ball, soon throwing it into the air, expecting Greninja to automatically come out.

Only nothing happened.

The ball fell back to Earth, making you frowned. You grabbed the ball and held to your lips again. "Come on, bud. We're in a battle." you lied. The ball shook it's self causing you to frown, sad that the lore didn't work. "Well are you gonna come out soon?" you asked. The PokeBall shook 'no' and you grimly leaned against you hand that rested on your knee. "You don't believe what that kid said, right?" you asked the PokeBall. When it didn't move as an answer you frowned. "You're stronger than that, bud. Come on, please come out. I wanna see your pretty face. I wanna hold you, hug you, tell you how much I love you," you continued trying to entice him out and it must have worked because he soon piped out of the ball blushing and looking at the ground.

You pouted and shuffled over to his crouching form, raising your hand to his face to cradle his cheek in your hand. "It's okay, we'll get him next time." you reassuringly stated, but you knew that wasn't the problem. He shook his head and looked at you sadly, trying to say, 'That's not it, I've been called...freak.' His expression killed your soul, the tiny tears forming in his eyes also added to that feeling. He turned his head from your gaze which made you feel even worse. "Hey...buddy ple--!" you tried to hug him close but he pushed you away and turned farther from you, looking out into the meadow with teary eyes. You stepped back in shock, he's never done that before. You thought for a moment before walking away.

When Greninja looked back you were gone. 'Great,' he thought, 'I lost my only friend. God why did I do that...' he thought as he leaned his head against the palm of his hand, silently weeping. "Hey!" he heard you say, "turn around....please." you calmly said. He gulped and quietly turned around, expecting the lecture, but gasped when he saw you. The sweatshirt you constantly wore was torn off and there you stood in a black tank top, both arms showing. On your right arm was a humongous scar that traveled from your wrist, all the way up to your shoulder. He sat there in shock, unblinking. As you stood there you smiled with tears eyes. "I got this scar from a Pokemon. My dad and I went fishing once when I was young. One minute I was fishing and the next thing I knew my arm was in a Sharpedo's mouth. I didn't see it jump from the water. See? You're not the only one who's...different! And...difference is an okay thing!" you sniffled out. "You don't have to be against difference..." you shakily smiled as the tears fell from your shimmering (E/C) eyes.

'(Y/N)...' Greninja thought as he slowly stood. He saw you shrink back a bit as he neared but you still stood tall. "You don't have..." you sniffled. He then couldn't take it anymore and ran to you. He grasped your form with it his long arms and hugged you as the wind slowly blew by. You panted, as if out of breath. He smelled like fresh grass which made you sigh and wrap your arms around him as well. You then bawled out your eyes as he continued to hold you tight. "T-Thanks...," you quietly said, "...I love you." He stiffened as you said this but he soon let tears tears fall from his beautiful maroon eyes. He made a small noise in agreement as you leaned into him more. 'I love you too, (Y/N).' Greninja thought a she stared out into the beautiful sunset. He smiled and held you tighter, like you'd disappear at any second.

Never forget, differences can change a person's heart~

~ The End ~

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