Eevee x Reader: No Pressure~

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(Description: So this was a wonderful request made by a Quotev user who calls themself Eeveegirl1996 / Stargirl1996. ~I'm presuming they're a she~ She nicely asked me to do this and so here I am! I'm here to grant all of your Pokemon Oneshot wishes! I'm like the fairy godmother of oneshots! Sorry for the waiting!)

Requester: Eeveegirl1996 / Stargirl1996


"So, (Y/N), how have you been?" you heard your friend ask over the phone. You set down your glass of water, "Everything has been great! How have you been (F/N)?" You heard her scoff, "Everything has been good, I guess. I mean, if you count not going to the mall in a few days ok then I'm super!" You smiled. "Remind me not to ask you about your day if your going to be sarcastic with me." you replied back with sass.

You heard her laugh, "Well, anyways, how has training your new Eevee been going? Any signs of evolution?" she asked excitedly. You sighed, "No, (F/N). You've asked the same question for the past week." "But, (Y/N)," she whined, "Eevee evolutions are so cool! You should really be more excited!" You sighed and firmly stood your ground. "If Eevee evolves, amazing. If he doesn't evolve, fine by me. I just want Eevee to be happy with who he chooses to be." you said in a heart-warming tone. "Welllll if you don't care then tell me this; if Eevee chooses to evolve what do you hope he will be?" she asked. You bit your lip, "I don't know if I should answer that. Eevee might get upset, you know?" She then sighed, "Come on, (Y/N)!!!!!!" She then started shouting your name over and over. "OKAY, (F/N)! CALM DOWN!!" you shouted into the phone and sighed as she patiently waited for an answer. 'Well,' you thought, 'it couldn't hurt, could it?'

"Maybe an Umbreon? I've always thought they were really cool, but who cares. Let's just drop the subject after this, okay?" she finally dropped it and you two continued talking.

Little did you know that inside a special Pokeball a certain Pokemon was silently listening to your private conversation...

~ Eevee's P.O.V ~

As he heard you talk with your friend he couldn't help but hear you answer (F/N)'s question.

"Umbreon? I've always thought they were really cool, but who cares. Let's just drop the subject after this, okay?" That's all Eevee need to know. 'An Umbreon, huh,' he asked inside his mind, 'well, alright then! Let's become an Umbreon to make (Y/N) happy!" He nodded to himself and confirmed his goal, only to scamper off into the Pokeball's large terrain.

~ (Y/N)'s P.O.V ~

~ Timeskip to mid-day ~

You released Eevee from his Pokeball and smiled. "Hey, sweety!" you cheered as you saw Eevee come out. "How are you?" you then walked over to Eevee and kneeled to his height. As you pet his head you felt him lean into your touch and purr out his name. You giggled and stood up. "Alright honey! You ready to go and train?" you asked with excitement. "EEVEE!" Eevee said in excited tone as well. You laughed, "I'll take that as a yes! Let's go!"

You two then ran off into the woods, yelling and whooping in happiness.

~ Timeskip to dusk and after a few hours of almost endless training ~

You panted as you looked up to the sky. The moon was showing it's bright light upon the Earth, to some it might have been terrifying but to you it was other worldly. You sighed and looked back at the ground. 'Man, Eevee is training very hard today!' you told yourself a you gazed at the small Pokemon. As he ran in circles and practiced attacks his fur seemed to glow when it clashed against the moon's beams. You heard him bark out his name in annoyance and lay on the ground.

You slowly got up and looked at him. He was staring at the ground, an annoyed look in his eye, as he pouted. You airily giggled at him and jogged over to his side. You kneeled to him and pet his wet back. "It's alright honey, there's always tomorrow to train." you said in a sweet tone even though you were kind of scared. You loved the night but you didn't like what lurked inside the dark. Mainly, what you're trying to say is, you don't like Ghost Types (it's killing me inside to write that). Not at all. You've heard old tales about how ghost types are menacing and give some people intense nightmares that will haunt them forever. Even thinking about them now gives you goosebumps. But that's why you want a dark type, you guess.

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