THANK YOU FOR 20K READS!! (Special Oneshot Story!) ❤️

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(Description: Thank you for everything you guys! I am so happy that my Pokemon Oneshots Book has blown up so far!! And the 500+ stars, the 400+ comments, plus the 60+ followers! I am so happy that I can make all of you smile when you read these! It makes my heart feel warm inside when I think about. And now, as a present for you all, I have made a special story to try and surprise you! It's a mystery who it's about so you'll have to read to the end to know what happens...enjoy the experience!)

Requester: No One!


You sighed as you walked along one of the many dark road of Shalour City. The crescent moon was high in the sky as you watched people walk around at this hour. You slowly tromped down the road while people walked by, pouting as your did. You sighed against the wind and tried to stay calm, despite the fact that you felt like utter crap right now.

So much was on your mind, it was extremely difficult to block it all out. You felt small spurts of blood drip out of tiny scraps and you groaned in pain. Every time more blood leaked from your wounds You rolled your eyes as the memory of a few hours ago repeatedly played in your mind.

Not long ago, your were walking down Route 11 with Braixen and the rest of your team. You were happily minding your business when suddenly Tema Rocket came out of no where and attacked you. Ever since you ran into them a few months ago they won't stop bothering you, they keep trying to steal your Pokemon and do some other uncool stuff. Well, this time they succeeded. They took Braixen, your other Pokemon, your bag, everything. They even took all of your hard earned cash, who does that?! You had to walk through many routes, getting attacked by wild Pokemon in the process, to get to Shallor City where you sit and rethink many life choices.

Yeah, not the best Thursday night.

'Are they alright?' one voice, a female, questioned. You held your head to try and cease their whispers.

'Can you save them?' another, a child, said.

'Who'll help you?' a male voice sprung. That question lingered in your head. Would anyone help you? Sure, you could ask Shauna or even Calem but...would they really help you get your other friends back? Or...?

Your brain soon began to hurt from all of the thinking. You groaned and peacefully let your mind go back to being a blank slate. You stared at the ground and only paid attention to the feeling of your warm blood seeping from tiny wounds. You unconsciously lifted your hands to the wounds on your arms to pull them closer. You then sat down on a nearby bench.

As you sat your vision swerved out of control. You lightly gasped and limply fell back onto the bench. You steadied your breathing and tried to lay still. Your brain was screaming in pain and you closed your eyes to make the woozy feeling in your body go away. You sighed as the rapid dizziness slowly decided into silence once again. The air blew against your body and wounds, making you shiver.

'This isn't good. Dizzy feelings happen when the body is losing too much blood. I have to find a PokeCenter, and fast!' you thought. You slowly leaned up and tried to stand up. You gasped as your legs shook while you stood. You took a small step and lightly screamed as your brain shook when your foot hit the ground.

'Too late.' a male voice said in your head.

Your vision blurred and you felt the world around tilt. Your knees had bucked in, you were quickly falling to the left. You felt the wind on you as you fell but you couldn't stop your decent.

Right before you hit the ground something stopped you. It wasn't the ground, no, it was a fleshy feeling...something. You slowly looked up and watched as a blurry figure held your body. Their skin was rough and scaly, you now figured that they were a Pokemon. But before you could think about it anymore your vision filled with black, signaling that you've gone unconscious.

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