(-Part Two!-) Greninja x Reader: Your Smile~

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(Description: Wow someone actually requested a part two of mine! That's really cool! Btw sorry for long wait~! Let us begin, friends!)

Requester: Ai_Yane


Greninja sighed as he watched you slump on the couch, looking out the glass window with sadness. He felt himself clutch the wall he was hiding behind tighter as he kept staring at you. Yesterday the weatherman said that thunder storms would appear early today but the sky's were clear yesterday night so you and your Pokemon thought it was just a bluff.

Turns out they were actually right.

Huge, gray clouds rolled in this morning causing large amounts of rain and thunder to be distributed all across Kalos. And since you thought the weatherman was bluffing about the weather you made plans to go to the beach and train with your Pokemon. Now that those plans were canceled everyone decide to take a break for the day. All except you. You'd been pouting about the storm all day, never once moving from you spot on the couch and Greninja was sick of it. He wanted to see you smile, hear you laugh, make you give him the hugs that he craved for.

He felt his left eye twitch as he saw you yawn but instantly go back to sulking about the nasty weather. 'I'm done. I need to help her.' he thought as he walked off to plan for the retrieval of your special light.

Plan H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S is a go.

(My version of H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S stands for Help A Pouty Person In Need Exit Sad Situation)

~ Timeskip to about 30 minutes later because I can! Muahaha! ~

You frowned as the rain seemed to drone on like a blabbering math teacher. As the minutes passed your patients lessened. How much longer until the rain stops?! You wanted to go and train, and you wanted it NOW! You growled as you finally stood up from the green couch, but almost immediately crumpled to the floor from sitting to long. You cried out in pain as you felt your legs stiffen up so you couldn't move to protect yourself. You fell to the floor, preparing for the impact...that never came?

You felt strong arms quickly wrap around your body, stopping your descent. Your sparkling (E/C) eyes soon looked up, once you confirmed that you weren't going to fall, and saw that Greninja had caught you.

"Greninja?! Gre Gre Ninja?" he asked, worry evident in his voice. "I-I'm okay, thanks to you." you lightly smiled as you said this. You soon blushed in embarrassment, realizing what position you two were in. He had one hand at the bottom of your back and one cradling your head to his chest. His head was tilted down to yours so his shining, maroon eyes could gaze at your stunning, (E/C) eyes without a moment of hesitation.

Greninja also had noticed somethings. You (H/C) hair was softly draped around your face, showing off all of your great features as you blinked. He blushed and shrunk back into his 'scarf', thinking these things about you. "Greninja are you feeling okay? You're face is as red as a rose! Do you have a cold?" you said as you placed a palm onto his forehead, feeling for any unnatural heat. He blushed harder at this action and finally let you stand up straight on your own, once your legs had some feeling back. "Man, you have the best timing buddy!" you said with a laugh. He laughed and rubbed the back of his head with a smile. 'Guess I do.' he thought with a grin. Suddenly he looked like he had a large realization. He started waving his hands at you and back to him, signaling you to follow him. "What is it? I don't...I don't understand!" you said with a questioned look. He looked at you with an unimpressed look and quickly grasped your right arm, tugging you towards the front door.

"WAIT, WHAT ARE YOU--?! ACK!!" you screamed as you were lightly tossed out into the pouring rain. You gasped as the cold rain hit your bare arms, since you were only wearing a tank top, fuzzy pajama pants, and slippers. "GRENINJA?! WHY?!" you shouted at him as he stepped out into the rain. "Grehehe!" he laughed as he pointed at you. You growled, "What's so funny?" He giggled as he walked closer to you, taking your soft, but now cold, hands in his. He then started spinning in a circle, bring you with him. The rain danced across your bodies as the two of you spun around on your driveway. At first you thought Greninja was crazy but as the minutes passed it grew to be a lot more fun then you thought it would be. You soon started giggling while he spun you in a tight circle, which soon made him fall, ending in you falling on top of him. You both laughed as you pined each other to the ground, fighting for dominance.

Suddenly you saw a blur of blue latch onto Greninja. "G-GRE?!" Greninja shouted while trying to break the unknown...thing off of his side. "Carracostahahah!" you heard the shadowy figure laugh and you knew instantly who it was. Carrracosta smiled as she clung to Greninja's side, Greninja still trying to pull her off. Then all of your water Pokemon just came pouring out of your small home, attacking you with hugs. You laughed as you hugged them all back with love.

After a while of hugging they all went off to random places to go play in the, now comforting, rain. You grinned as you watched all of them mess around, whether it was having a water fight or just enjoying the rain. Suddenly something in the back of your mind came forward and hit you like a ton of bricks. Greninja had planned all of this, for you.

You soon heavily blushed and searched for Greninja throughout the large crowd of water Pokemon. Once you found him, in the yoga pose called the tree and enjoying the rain, you started to shift over to his side.

Once there you lightly poked his arm, getting his attention right away. "Grenin?" he asked as he set down his leg and bent down to meet you at eye level. As he did this you slowly brushed your bangs behind your ears, trying to not see to awkward. "Greninja? Did you...did you do all of this...for me?" you asked in a small voice. His dazzling eyes soon widen and he blushed, "G...Gre..." he said with a nod. You then slowly smiled and stood onto your tip-toes. Once your head was slightly above his you leaned down and kissed his forehead, pulling him into a tight hug. (Your Greninja is VERY tall.)

He felt his face heat up as you whispered to him, "Thank you, you angel. Thank you." He soon slowly smiled and wrapped his long arms around your waist, loving the feeling of you pressed against him. He then started to laugh and lean against your body as he twisted you in circles.

"Let's all go in now, it's freezing!" you said as you let go of him with a chatter of the teeth. All of your Pokemon slouched or groaned in annoyance at this. You giggled, "I'll make hot chocolate for everyone~!" you sang out. They all perked and smiled, whooping in excitement as  they ran in the house.

As everyone left he stood back and lived in the small moment of quiet that was present. "Are you coming, Grenny?" you shouted out to him from the comfort of your home. He smirked and laughed out his name, perusing your form.

At least he got your beautiful smile to show it's light, Plan H.A.P.P.I.N.E.S.S was a complete success~

~ The End ~

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