Lapras x Reader: The Little Pond~

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Requester: BlueUmbreon12

(Description: I am very sorry that this wait took so long! School sucks XP! I hope you can forgive me BlueUmbreon12, I don't mean to make you mad. Anyways, hope you like the story!)

You giggled as you skipped across the large river rocks that lead you to your hideout. Today was a beautiful summer, Saturday morning, unlike yesterday when everything was soaking wet from the pouring rain. Since you couldn't play outside yesterday you decided to wander outside today.

Where you are going, you ask? You are going to the special hideout!

What's the hideout? Well, let's tell you the story.

A few weeks ago you, being the childish teenage you are, chose to go walking around your neighborhood for a little fun. That little walk turned into a big hike up a large mountain side. I know it seems far fetched (ayyye get it!), but that's just how just how you roll, you just go where the wind takes you. Anyways, while you were hiking you discovered a large pond in the middle of nowhere. It honestly was so cool to you, so you made that your secret hideout. You go there to relive school stress, but more life stress in general. So you've been going there every day for the past few weeks.

As you finish crossing the small creek with a kick you start to walk down your memorized path toward the pond. After ten more minutes of walking you finally passed through a wall of leaves and walked through the entrance of the pond. You stared at the glistening blue water and breathed a breath of fresh air. The tall willow trees surrounded the pond to make it secluded from most human and Pokemon life.

You broadly smiled and brought out a Pokeball from your Pokeball holder. You threw it into the air and it quickly opened. The large beast nimbly landed into the water with a splash, the splash almost hit you too but you brushed it off.

"Hey, Lapras! How are you sweetheart?" your male Lapras leaned his head down to your open arms and purred. You reached up and hugged his head, giggling. Lapras felt his face heat up a bit so he shifted his soft eyes from your form in embarrassment. You noticed this and laughed at his cuteness. His cheeks just grew hotter from your laughter but he got a 'great' idea to get you back.

He slightly smirked and leaned his head back to you, pretending to want more pets. You, of course, thought he wanted more petting so you gripped his head and softly pet him once more. He almost gave into your petting but remembered his plan and lifted his head off of the ground and over the water, taking you with him.

You screamed and held tightly into his slick head, which was hard. You nervously laughed and looked back at his smirking face. You gulped, "O-okay, Lapras. G-Good one! Now can you let's me down now...p-please?" He slightly shock his head no and dropped you into the not very deep water. You gasped as your body hit the chill water and tried to sink but you pulled yourself back to the surface.

When you surfaced Lapras was laughing his head though you still excitedly got onto his back. "Ha ha, Lapras. Good one." you said sarcastically with a small hint of laughter. Lapras looked back at you with happiness evident in his eyes. Without warning he started racing around the pond with you on his back.

"YAHHHHHOOOOOO!" you screamed in joy as he circled around the pond multiple times.

~ Timeskip to about ten minutes later brought to by Anime! ~

You laid on your back, gasping for air. You airily giggled in delight and looked back at Lapras, who looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion. You leaned up on your palms and laughed, "That was so cool, Lapras! I never knew you could swim that fast!!" Lapras nodded in agreement, as if to say that he had no idea that he could do it either.

You giggled and shakily got up from the grass. "Come on! Let's do that again!" you shouted. Lapras tiredly groaned and looked to the sky. 'Wow. You sure are a handful.' he thought with a chuckle.

You sighed and laid back on the grass only to be splashed with a small spray of water. You gasped when the water hit hit you shirt. You looked up to see a laughing Lapras.

You smirked and ran into the water, grabbed a handful of water, and threw it at Lapras. He flinched when it hit him but soon got over it. You two started laughing and having a massive water fight that lasted hours until nightfall. You looked at the sky, "Oh, that's to close for comfort. Ok Lapras, let's go home." He pouted. You saw his face and giggled. You reached up and pet his head, "I'll take you back here tomorrow, okay?" He perked up and got ready. You slightly laughed and brought out his Pokeball. You lightly tapped the Pokeball's button on his head and he was then sucked into the Pokeball in a flash. You smiled down at the Pokeball and pack up your thing. You set your backpack on your shoulders and started walking home.

In the end, as the years went by, many great and beautiful memories were and will be made by you and Lapras at your little pond.

~ The End ~

(I am so sorry for this. It was so short and I am a little disappointed in it but I hope you can for give me! More stories to come and thank you BlueUmbreon12 for requesting it! Have a wonderful day, friends!)

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