Smeargle x Artist! Reader: My Art~

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(Description: Yes. I went down the cheesy path. Though the cheesiest are always the cutest. Anyways, this idea came from an awesome Wattpad user by the name of BlueUmbreon12, so give them a big round of applause! Onto life, brought to you by Smeargle!)

Requester: BlueUmbreon12


It was an early Saturday morning, the sun was just barely peeking its head over the green mountains. As it rose it highlighted some of the best features in Earth's crust, the greenery and such. Most people weren't up at this hour but you've been wide awake since four A.M.

Funny story to that, your art class was assigned Smeargle's to take care of over the course of the year, though luckily you already had one. Everyone had to take care of the Smeargle until the end of the year, when the class ended. Smeargle would help with inspiration when an artist need it in return for the care. To be honest it was very useful even for you, who has been drawing since you were two years old.

You groaned as the Sun's rays were covered by dark clouds in mere seconds, suddenly feeling small droplets of water prick your skin.  You then started packing up all of your art supplies and ran under a nearby tree for cover.

~ Back at home and now Smeargle's P.O.V ~

He grunted as he searched for the warmth that was hugging him late last night. His eyes slowly opened as he searched for you. "" Smeargle said as he looked around your colorful room. Soon enough he ran all around the house looking for you but once he couldn't find you he went outside, in search of the missing artist.

~ Back to you, (Y/N)'s P.O.V ~

You sighed as the rain let up and soon the sky cleared. "Thank God, finally." you said as you stepped out into the sunshine and set up your art supplies once more. Though suddenly something was behind you, helping you set up. "What th--?! Smeargle?!" you said in shock as you felt back into the wet grass. "Smear smear!" he yipped in joy. "What are you--?!...doing...heeeeeerree..." you said as your words suddenly slurred as you stared off into the distance. You were looking a barley noticeable rainbow that had just appeared and showed it's colors. You gasped as an idea struck you. "Smeargle! Stay right there!" you said as you grabbed your colors and started painting the bright colors all over his body in different patterns.

~ Timeskip to two hours later ~

"Annnnnnd...done! Oh my goodness!" you said as you finished painting on his body. As your colors formed it showed that Smeargle was painted as a bright rainbow, with rainbow wristbands, many colorful circles on his face, and many more painted onto his ears and tail. "Smear smear, gle!!" he said as he posed to no one in particular. You clapped and smiled. "Oohhhh! You look exquisite, my art!" you said as you picked him up and smile. 'Oh, (Y/N),' Smeargle thought with a small blush, 'I hope to always be your art.'

'My art...' he kept thinking as he stared at her beautiful face. 'I hope she means it...~'

~ The End ~

~ Bonus Boss Ending ~

"Now we just...need to keep you safe and untouched until...Monday..." you nervously giggled out as he sweat dropped, face palming as he groaned.

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