Xerneas x Reader x Yvetal: Never~!

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(Description: I am actually very excited to write this Oneshot! And now, like usual, I will say who requested this. A Wattpad user by the name of LeFennekin made this request so please go show them some of your awesome love! Thanks and let's begin.)

Requester: LeFennekin


As you and your (F/P) (flying Pokemon) flew thru the air you couldn't help but think back on what Professor Sycamore, and your friends, had said. 'The world will never be the same, You're the chosen one, Only you can save us,' things like that echoed in your mind. "But what if I can't save you all?" you asked out loud. (F/P) sympathetically cooed out his name to you, leaning up it's head to look at you. "Ah, It's okay, seriously (F/P). Just a little stressed out." you reassuringly said with a pat to his head. He nodded and looked forward once more to watch. As your thoughts got progressively louder and louder you laid down onto (F/P)'s back with a frustrated sigh. Suddenly (F/P) started freaking out, jerking back and forth. With an angry look you got up and glared at the back of (F/P)'s head. "What's wrong--..." you stopped mid-sentence as you looked ahead and saw the craziest thing you've ever seen.

An island not to far away, shrouded in mist, cleared to show one of the Legendary Pokemon of Kalos that everyone craved to even glimpse at, Xerneas.

And it was staring right at you.

It's long horns shown colorfully in the light mist as you felt your soul brim with life and happiness from only looking at it. You heard that it had this effect on things and awed at the feeling of warmth. Suddenly the atmosphere turned darker as the sky filled with dark clouds. From inside the clouds came Yvetal, the polar opposite Legendary of Xerneas. Yvetal's long wings flapped up and down, bringing cold chills down your spine. It's blood red body just screamed 'DEATH', well it is the destruction Pokemon. It's cry sounded like the cries of many lost souls which almost made you cry.

Before you could get a good look at both of them a voice spoke in your head, 'Do not be afraid, (Y/N).' "What?! Who-- wait...did YOU say that?!" you shouted out at the large Pokemon. The wind kicked up and made (F/P) wobble in the air but still have control. 'Yes. We've come here to ask you something.' Xernas said. (F/P) shakily squawked up at you but you ignored it. The wind grew harsher and the ocean's waves turned dark and scary but you barely noticed. "Well? What is it-- AHHHHH!!" you were then thrown off (F/P) and down towards the ocean. You heard (F/P) scream out it's name to you as you fell but you only watched as he was thrown away by the wind. "(F/P)!! AGH!" you soon hit the water. When your head crashed on the ocean top your vision grew blurry. 'N-no! I need...to get...back to...(F/P)...' your thoughts were jumbled as keep sinking in the ocean. 'You'll be okay, (Y/N). We'll take care of you.' Xernas' smooth voice shown thru your thoughts as your eyes fluttered to a close, you were now unconscious and fully venerable to the harsh world.

~ Timeskip to later in time ~

You woke with a scream as you sat up from the floor. "(F/P)!! Wha--huh?!" you screamed as you shakily gazed at the room, well more like the ballroom, you sat in. "Woah...what the...?" you said as your voice echoed in the room.

The walls were plastered with a beautiful pale yellow. The walls also had vertical white stripes that were painted delicately. Inside the stripes held extremely precious jewels such as emeralds and sapphires, and even a few diamonds scattered here and there in the lines. Your gaze wavered to the left and there you saw a huge door way, and I mean HUGE, that gaped like an open mouth. You looked to the right and saw the same thing but somehow, even though it was the exact same thing, it felt more ominous than the left. As your hands began to feel colder you looked down and realize you were sitting on pure white quartz. "Wow...expensive." you said as you got up and walked around the ginormous room. You walked over to the left side of the room but stopped a few feet away from the door way. You looked up and easily predicted it was about 100 feet up, width about the same. The hall that lead into the door way became over run with dark shadows, seeing as the hall was that long. You saw no light inside the halls and shivered. You skittishly walked back over to the middle of the room and nervously gazed at the two door ways. 'Something big must use these...' you thought with a shiver as you stared at the door ways.

You then looked to the front of the room and gasped. There sat two humongous thrones, one made out of the pure white quartz while the other looked to be made out of a black granite. Both of the thrones looked alike but noticeable had differences. The white throne had green vines draped all along the back and a tall willow tree grew from behind it. It was embroidered with diamonds and bright sapphires on the sides but the back of the throne shown with brightly assorted gems of the rainbow. Your gazed was drawn left and there you saw the polar opposite of the first one. It had dark cracks all throughout it, making it look worn and no good. The seat was an extremely dark red as looked very ominous. The sides were too assorted with gems but they were mostly rubies and obsidian. The top of the throne had floating, angry clouds that circled the top like a pack of preying sharks. The clouds shot with lighting, barely singing the top of the throne. The throne's armrest sides had sharp points that looked sharp enough to kill. All around this throne was terrifying.

You stepped back and looked at both of the thrones with wonder until an extremely familiar voice woke you from your state of mind. 'Well? What do you think of our throne room (Y/N)?' it spoke, making you jump. From behind the shadows of the two door ways appear Xernas and Yvetal. Xernas came from the left while Yvetal came from the right. 'Well that explains the throne difference.' you cockily thought as the two of them comfortably sat on the throne and stared at you. 'I know you have lots of questions so you may ask them now.' Xernas said with a sigh. "Okay, WHY AM I HERE AND WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH (F/P)?!?!" you shouted. 'Do not worry, (F/P) is here for you. In fact, here he is now.' another voice, presumably Yvetal, said. And like magic, in the right hall appeared (F/P). You gasped and ran over to (F/P). (F/P) ran to you and accepted the attack you gave him, nuzzling his face to yours. "Oh god, never leave me again!" you said as you held his head. He nodded and quietly chuckled out its name.

You grumpily let go of his head and faced the Legendaries once again. "You still haven't answered my first question. Why am I here?" you calmly asked. The two of them stifled and looked away from you. 'W-Well...the two of us...um...how do I put this Yvetal?' Xernas asked. 'Ugh, just get it over with, we have c-crushes on you!' Yvetal forcibly said. Your eyes widened as your face heated up. "B-Both of you?! Well..." you said as you raised a hand to your mouth. You sighed, "I-I don't know what to say. I've never had this before." you said as you shook your head. Yvetal got up and flew down to your form. He lowered his head and started to nuzzle your head. 'Chose me. I'd be a better lover. I could fly you all around the world, I'd treat you like a Queen everyday. Something that Xernas wouldn't do.' Yvetal purred out. You heard Xernas scoff as your blush grew. 'Please do not believe Yvetal. I'd treat you no less than a goddess. You'd be mine. Think of it, pairing with the god of Life.' 'Oh, okay, so since I'm the god of Destruction I can't have a girl as good as her?! Is that is?!' Yvetal challenged with a raise of his head. 'I didn't say that Yvetal,' Xernas calmly said, 'and please don't start a fight, we have a guest.' Yvetal grumbled as the two of them bickered back and forth.

'Okay, now I'm annoyed.' you grumpily thought as you asked (F/P) for a ride up to the gods. You flew up to both of the giant Legendaries' heads and shouted, "STOP." The two quietly stopped and stared at your small form. "If I stay here a few days and then make my decision would that work?" you asked. The two looked at each other, then back to you and quickly yipped, 'Yes.' You smiled and leaned over to Xernas. You gave him a kiss and Yvetal the same. Both shrunk back in embarrassment as you smirked. "Good," you said as you flew down and jumped off of (F/P), "see you later." As you walked away down the left hall with (F/P) Yvetal quietly said, 'She'll be mine.' 'Yeah, not gonna happen.' Xernas scoffed out.

This will never end well, I can already tell~

~ The End ~

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