(-Part Two!-) Yandere! Incineroar x Male! Reader: Burning Lust~

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(Description: Just a part two of my previous one! Sorry for the long wait. This one will have a happier ending though! The lovely Silversoul71 requested this one once again, thank you! Also, Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, everything thing else that is Christmas for you! This was meant to be a Christmas present for you all! Kisses!)

Requester: Silversoul71


You slowly begun to regain consciousness as a massive head ache hit you, leaving you with the feeling of immense pain. 'What...the...ow...what happened...?' you slowly thought while trying to raise a soft hand to rub your head. Before you could even begin raising your right arm a sharp sting ran through it. You lowly yelped in pain and you looked down towards the arm to look for the source of the pain. Wrapped around your right bicep were carefully placed gauges that were stained a dark red. 'Wha...' you thought through the agony, trying to open your (E/C) eyes wider for more of a view. 'Where am I? What's going on!?' were the only thoughts on your mind now.

Suddenly everything from early came flooding back. Being kidnapped...running...being poisoned...getting caught...it was all...


Shit, you've got to get out of here.

You shakily looked at your surroundings, but thankfully seeing nothing new about them. You were still residing on a small cot in the same damp and dreary cave you'd been in when Incineroar had first took you away. The ceiling now dripped with brackish water, making you heavily cringe and run a hand through the short, tangled strands of your greasy (H/C) hair. All of your limbs ached every time you tried to move, which was honestly no surprise since you probably ran faster than an Olympic runner ever had that day. You prepared yourself and leaned all of your weight onto your scratched palms to sit up, giving every ounce of energy you had into that motion. When you could finally sit up without the help of your hands you were panting, somehow out of breath from that 'simple' task. 'Jesus. His poison did a number on me...' you thought as you propped your bad arm against your right knee. You kept staring at the wound until another thought hit you, 'What the hell am I doing?! I've gotta get out of here!'

Your breathing shook as you tried to rise from the cold floor. After a few more minutes of struggling you were finally up, still hoarsely panting for air. You looked up at the exit and slowly wobbled towards it. 'Come on!' you kept encouraging yourself as your feet slowly continued to shuffled closer to the exit. Though as you moved you felt something's, or someone's, eyes boring into your back, like a drill does to the ground. It gave off sort of an ominous tone, but you felt the growing anger behind it's black mask, which made you shiver. Even with those lingering thoughts you pressed on.

Right before your feet could take the first step outside of the cave you heard something shuffle in the darkness. You suddenly froze and stared foreword at the dirt ground, like a lone child caught stealing a cookie. Your mind was saying go but your feet went nowhere. You slowly turned around and gazed into the inky color of the cave. "H-Hello...?" you scratchily whispered out. 'Great,' your mind sassed, 'now I'm gonna die. And my voice is almost gone so crying for help ain't gonna help. Amazing game plan, (Y/N)!' You nervously stared into the dark, looking for any movement, when suddenly you saw a figure rise from it's crouching position on the ground. 'Oh my...,' you thought while watching the figure step into the light, revealing a familiar face, 'god...' There in front of you was Incineroar, looking as terrifying as ever.

His form stood broad and his eyes seemed to glow with hatred as he watched you. Time seemed to tremendously slow as you kept staring at him in shock. "Incine...r-roar!" he shouted at you. Your eyes widened as you took a step back. Incineroar stopped his roar and slowly gained a regretful look in his eyes. "Incine..." he whispered as he raised his red paw to try and wrap it around you. You silently screamed and back away from his touch. "Leave me alone...!" you tried to shout, but it came out as a whisper. "Roar!" he shouted as you turned and ran. You ran as fast as you could, zigzagging in all directions to try confusing him. 'Someone help me!! Please!' you pealed, running through the thick trees and shrubs.

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