Mimikyu x Reader: Scary~

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(Description: For people who haven't finished Pokemon Sun or Moon you might not wanna read this story but only because it has some spoilers. This story was requested by an amazing Wattpad user by the name of southeastbookworm so please go show them some love! Thank you all for the patience!)

Requester: southeastbookworm


You gulped down a wad of saliva as you shakily stood in front of the shutdown PokeMart. 'A long time ago this place use to be running,' says the voice of Acerola in your memory, 'but it had to close it's doors for good after it was taken over by Ghost Pokemon.'

Even though it sounds like a stretch you know that's all true because you had recently gone into that store and finish Acerola's trail to get a Ghostium Z. Though the thing that Acerola didn't know, or didn't want to know, was that many strange things occurred in there when your trail commenced. Strange as in floating dolls, grocery carts moving on their own, and a certain Pokemon making it's appearance.

If you hadn't been in the middle of a trial you could and would have caught the Mimikyu, but since 'not to catch any Pokemon' was the one rule of her trail you left it alone. But oh did that Pokemon put you through one hell, you barely escaped with you and your Pokemon in tact. Right before you Decidueye fainted he sent a Spirt Shakle that luckily had hit and stopped the Totem Mimikyu from attacking you. Now that your trail was finished, you were determined to catch a Mimikyu.

"Alright, this is definitely the place. It's n-not that big of a deal." you quietly said to yourself.

Here was your game plan, go to the back of the store, enter the double doors where you first meet the Totem Mimikyu, and wait for one to appear. Simple as that. Though the problem was many said Mimikyu was a fairly rare Pokemon to find in the place so you would have to be very patient, which in retrospect was no problem at all.

You looked up into the sky and saw many hues of the rainbow scattered around in a beautiful swirl. It was finally Dusk in Alola.

'Okay. I can do this.' you repeated in your head as you pushed past the squeaky door to enter the abandoned PokeMart.

As soon as you entered you squeaked in fear. A wave of cold air flew over your skin, making the previous warmth from the Alolan humidity turn to an icy cold draft. Goosebumps ran everywhere along your skin as your eyes traced over your surroundings.

The place was littered with tipped boxes and trash, showing wrappers and garbage from years prior. Everything looked to be frozen in time, the registers not moving, no people or Pokemon, and no light either. You couldn't even see the back of the store because the dark was so thick.

'Okaaay...God, it's so quiet! It's like nothing's even here! No, I know they're here, but where?' you thought.

Right before you took your first step you felt the PokeBalls on your belt move on there own. You look down at them and started to grow a sad look on your face. 'I...shouldn't pull them through this again. It's so horrible of me to just keep pulling them into all of this, over and over again.' you sadly thought, not realizing you let out a whimper of regret.

You sighed and slowly turned around, 'I'm leaving. I'll come back some other time to fight. I'll let my Pokemon take a break from Ghos--! What the--?!' you thoughts soon stoped when you turned around and stared at the door, or well...where the door use to be.

The front door had disappeared.
You yelped in fear as you fell back onto your butt, staring at the door's place in awe.

"W-What?! How...what?!" you asked while scooting away from where the door had been. 'Whu...' you thought. "But it was right there!!" you said as you sat up on your knees and felt the wall to look for the metal door.

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