Dialga X Reader: Thinking Time~

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(Description: HA! Get the pun in the title?? Anyways, I'm glad to be back, my munchkins! My updating has gotten SO SLOW. I mean, seriously...yeesh! Hope this story will help with my lack of updates! This was requested by a radiant and fun Wattpader by the name of WolfAGirl887. Please go show them some love~! Let the story commence!)

Requester: WolfAGirl887

(Btw, I kinda see Palkia, Dialga, and Giratina as Arceus' sons instead of just his meaningless creations. I will make them have a more fatherly and childly love. I even say that they are his three sons in this chapter. So, if you're bothered by that...don't be. Onto the story!)


It all started with a small action. Barely noticeable, to most. Plus, it happened when you were extremely young, your third year of PokeSchool.

A young boy called you ugly.

A minor action that had serious consequences.

You, being the brilliant and bubbly child you were, brushed it off and continued on with life. Until the same thing happened during your fifth year.

Though, a few more people said it to you than the last time. Ugly...Idiot...Weird...Freak...

You didn't know why people were calling you these things. You weren't a reckless child, you were extremely kind to everyone and everything, you followed the rules, you kept everything in order. So why are they saying things like this?

It was harder to ignore this time. The more the other kids claimed you were this or that, the harder it became to forget.

Now, it is your last year of PokeSchool. And everything you thought about yourself was thrown down the drain.

You couldn't take it anymore, everyone telling you what to do and who to become, the pressure of it finally cracked you. You stopped showing any opinion of your own and instead followed the crowd you were shoved into. Once an innocent, sweet girl with uneven pigtails, a floral pink dress, and a big heart and smile became a preppy, high-class clothing wearer, fake smiling robot, who's lost all her purpose.

I say robot because you followed the command every popular person around you, like a machine. If someone called you thick, you cut off from eating for a few days. If someone said you were to smart, you'd flunk a test or two. You did what the people wanted, no matter the consequence.

All the time you spent, wondering if you were good enough, if you could be excepted, you never once thought of who you really were.

Now, you're here.
Sitting on the side of a cliff, wondering what to do.

A gentle breeze blew by as the midnight sky sparkled with diamond-like stars. Glittering tears streamed down your powder-covered face. Your foundation, concealer, and blush washed away when the waters hit, leaving behind an almost clear slate. Your black mascara began to run, making you seem like even more of a wreck.

Your (E/C) eyes gazed up into the night sky, scanning for any kind of notice or sign. Something that would tell you what to do, since you've lived like that for so long. Though, you were given no answer.

Suddenly, the low, distant coo of a Murkrow signaled the end of another day. The sun finally set behind the mountain peeks behind you as the ocean below you crashed against the cliff side. The inky blue waters gave off a comforting, but scary tone as they mixed with each other with every crash. You watched them collide from above, like a Mandibuzz staring at its next meal.

You sighed and sniffled, "You can change so...easily. How? I've been this way ever since I was little, I use to be able to change in a instant! But...that's when I changed for them. Now...I change for myself, I change to please me. Why...? What's the point? What's the point in...any of this?!" Your soft tone of voice transitioned into one of pure anger as you stood from your cross-legged position into standing.

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