Female! Shadow Lugia X Reader: Together At Last~

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(Description: I'm sorry about this one being so late. I've been lazy and busy, becoming a freshman in a new school is difficult! Anyways, this amazing request was made by a cool and collected Quotev user by the name of Offical Jade Rabbit / Bedgamer so please go show them some of your wonderful support and love! Have fun with this one you guys!)

Requester: Offical Jade Rabbit / Bedgamer

(This chapter does mention past problems of the reader, most specifically her father abandoning her and her mother at a young age. If that topic isn't okay with you, meaning sensitive or to hard to read, I'm sorry and it might not be the best decision for you to read. Thank you.)


"I can't hold it back anymore guys, I gotta let it out! Whoop, whoop! Finally, the space of the Alolan Champion is mine!" you chanted to the ceiling of the downtown Malasada shop of Malie City on Ula'Ula Island. You leaned back in your seat with a very pleased face as Professor Kukui, Hau, Lillie, Gladion, and your mother laughed at your response.

"Congrats, my little (N/N)~! I always knew you could do it!" your mom cheered, grasping your face, jerking you over the table between you two,  and pulled you close to place a chaste kiss on the top of your warm forehead.

Hau spit out a piece of the Spicy Malasada he was eating back into his plate, "Wait...(N/N)~?" he teased while staring straight at your red face with a tiny smirk.

"J-Just a nickname Mom gave me awhile back...please don't use it...ugh." you whined, looking back at Hau with a pleading face.

"I think it's cute! Suits you!" The Professor confessed, slinging a muscly arm over your hunched shoulder with a wide smile.

"Ooof course you do..." you sighed, leaning defeatedly against your father-figure's chest.

I say father-figure because you didn't, and never really had, a real father to look up to while you were growing up.

A long, long time ago, a few months after you were born in fact, your father left your mother. He said that he apparently "couldn't take" the pressures of a newborn child and just...up and deserted you and your mom. It took an extremely long time for your mother to heal mentally, but she eventually got back onto her feet and carried on with her life.

Of course, you felt that somehow it was your fault that your dad left, being the sensitive soul you are when you first learned about why he left. She told you otherwise though, saying you're perfect and could never drive anyone away, no mater how hard you tried. Though your mother always claimed she was okay when asked, almost every time you or someone else mentioned your father, you could see the twinge of pain and hurt flash in her (E/C) eyes for a millisecond.

That's kinda the reason you moved to Alola a few months ago in the first place.

You both agreed that staying in Unova brought back to many hurt-filled years and memories, in your mother's case. So, you two moved to Alola and have never been happier. So many new people, Pokemon, and memories to be made here, even better than Unova's appeal.

You were never one for big cities and crowded places anyways.

Saying goodbye to your few friends, Bianca and Calem being the hardest, and the treasured times you shared was difficult but it is all okay now. You even still talk to them sometimes over the Pokegear you've kept over the years!

This is where Professor Kukui plays in. The first time you laid eyes on him you knew that he was a great man. Being a loving, caring, considerate, amazing, and an all-around funny guy made him perfect! He was so sweet, even letting you call him Dad after you two spent some more time together. He's also grown attached to you too, calling you 'sunshine' and other funny nicknames more often than not. You two were almost inseparable, with your love of Pokemon and care for everyone.

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