Gengar x Reader x Haunter x Gastly: My Three Wishes~

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(Description: Yes, I moved this over. It's the exact same as the other so you don't have to re-read it if you already did. If you haven't read it, I recommend you read it please! I just wanted to move it because it made more sense to me, ok?)

You briskly stepped across the gloomy dirt path that lead to mysterious town of Lavender Town. You shivered and clutched your frame with your arms when a cold breeze blew against you. You quickly glanced back and forth between the trees and mess of branches that looked like they were reaching out to grab you and drag you away into the night. The thick fog also didn't help you with sight so you were basically walking blindly through the winding forest. 'Note to self: bad idea to head to Lavender Town at night' you said in your mind, wishing you were back at the previous PokeCenter with Nurse Joy and her Chansey. Here is the explanation for why your walking on the musty path in the middle of the night.

~ Flashback to a few hours ago in the Cerulean City PokeCenter ~

You bounced excitedly in your comfy seat, ready to travel to Lavender Town. Nurse Joy and her Chansey then walk over to your table, both of them carrying a worried expression. "(Y/N)? Are you sure you would like to go to Lavender Town now? It's so far away and the moon is already out, why don't you stay the night? Chansey and I don't want you getting hurt." Nurse Joy stated with concern in her voice. After she finished you heard Chansey say it's name in response, silently agreeing with Joy.

You smiled up at her and stood, "Nurse Joy, I'll be fine! You know me, I can handle a little spooky and scary now and again!" Nurse Joy glanced at the floor and mumbled. You giggled quietly and made her look up at you. "Ms. Joy, I'll be fine, really! I'll make sure to come straight back here if something goes wrong, ok?" you put a hand on her shoulder and she sympathy smiled at you and let out a meek, "Ok, (Y/N). I trust you."

If you were being being completely honest with yourself, you hated scary things. You were honestly more of an introvert in general. Quiet, calm, collected, not social, and just an all around shy girl. No one bothered you for it, they just knew to keep their distance around you. You aren't good with crowds so deciding to become a Pokemon Trainer was a BIG step out of you comfort zone.

Becoming friends with Joy also took lots of time and effort to get use to but she waited. Guess that's why you to are such close friends.

You grinned with confidence and hugged her. She hugged back with lots of care, took your hand, laid something in it, and lightly pushed your hand back to you. You opened your hand and saw it was a bracelet made out of (Y/B/S) (your birth stone). Joy had one around her left wrist that was made out of Amber (idk Joy's birth month or birth stone, I'm just making it up.) You awed at the bracelet as Joy put it on your right wrist with a giggle. "There! Now you'll know I'll always be there for you!" she said with determination. (Forgot to mention, You and Joy were friends since Kindergarten.)

Still gawking at the beautiful bracelet you stuttered out,
"T-thank you so much Joy! I-I don't know how I can repay you!" She laughed and grabbed both your hands. She made your sparkling
(E/C) look straight into her bright blue ones. "(Y/N) all you have to do to repay me is try not to get hurt." You laughed along with her and crouched down to Chansey's height. "Chansey, please make sure she doesn't mess up anything while I'm gone. You know she can be a bit clumsy!" Chansey nodded and gave you a small hug. Chansey then ran off to go tend to an injured Fearrow. Joy looked back at you, "Be safe, (Y/N)! Happy travels!" she yelled back to you. "I will! Good luck being a nurse!" She then turned a courier and disappeared from sight.

After she was gone you quietly chuckled and shook your head. You then turned and headed for the door. (I should mention you have Pidgey on your team at the moment.)

~ End of Cool Flashback ~

Thinking of the time not so long ago made you warm inside but that was changed when you heard the sound of distant, echoey laughter. Though it stopped as soon as it came, the after shock was slower to come. Goosebumps ran all across your body but they encouraged you to walk faster through the forest.

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