Pikachu x Reader: Pocky~!

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(Description: You guys know I have to do a story about Pocky, it's one of my favorite snacks! Comment on what your fav flavor is, mines Strawberry or Chocolate! Also Pikachu is so kawaii~! Also also, this was a beautiful request made by a Wattpad user who's name is DreamyKawaii, go check them out! On to the story! Btw sorry for the loooong wait, school is stupid.)

Requester: DreamyKawaii


You hummed a small tune as you slowly chewed on the chocolate-covered biscuit partially in your mouth.

Today was just a relaxing day for you and your Pokemon so you thought the best way to spend this day was to play Super Smash Bros Brawl on your Wii U. You gave a small cheer as the screen showed that you, playing as Rosalina and her Luma, won the Battle Royale. You smiled and finished off the Pocky stick in your mouth, reaching for another out of the small box. But suddenly, to the right of you, you heard the small yip of your partner. You looked over and saw that your trusty male Pikachu had grabbed a Wii remote with his stubby hands and looked at you with an expecting look.

A neat thing you had taught your Pikachu to do was play Smash Bros with you, which came in hand at times. And he wasn't that bad at it either. You grinned as you brought up the character menu. You selected Link and Pikachu selected, you almost laughed at this, Pikachu. Your sweat dropped as you saw he had a determined look in his eye. He was really doing this. You sighed in defeat as you pressed play to start the game.

You smirked as the announcer chanted down the time.





You made sure to try and get the first hit as you ran to Pikachu's character and made Link slash down his sword. Pikachu dodged it though and prepared an electric shock. You panicked and tried to make Link move away but he got hit by the shock. You cringed as his hit points went up 10% (I'm sorry but I don't play SSBB often so I have no idea how much percentage is given for an attack or some of the moves so bear with me please.) You grunted as Pikachu looked at you at you with a slight smirked. 'Ok, so that's how we're gonna do this. Alright.' you prepared yourself and ran at the Pikachu (it's so difficult to write for the real Pikachu and the game Pikachu. Aggh! Which one is which?!)

~ Timeskip to about 40 second before the game ends ~

You whipped imaginary sweat from your forehead as Pikachu made his character run at Link and use Iron Tail, which made Link fly out of the arena once again. You had lost three lives and Pikachu had only lost one, wow talk about an unfair fight. You saw that time was running out and got a panicked look. But then you saw a Smash Ball appear at the top left courier of the arena. You gasped and smiled. 'Redemption!!' you eagerly thought as you hit the Smash Ball multiple times. You smirked as the power of the Smash Ball went into Link and made Link glow beautiful colors. Right when you were going to use your attack Pikachu went behind Link and knocked him down, also knocking the power out of Link and into the air.

Your mouth dropped open as you watched Pikachu grab the Smash Power, use his special attack on you, and win the round. You narrowed your eyes in shock as the picture of a happy Pikachu appeared on the screen and a clapping Link in the background signifying he got second and Pikachu got first. You heard Pikachu giggle in delight and grabbed a stick of Pocky from the box.

You broke out of your shock and laughed. Pikachu was too adorable. You grabbed his form as he squeaked in shook, almost dropping the Pocky in his mouth. He looked at you but then looked down to the floor and blushed, you were staring at him with loving eyes. You giggled and kissed his head, "Congrats, little man. You win the title of being awesome!"

He sighed and leaned against your body as you set him on your chest. You softly rested your chin on his head and smiled. You grabbed a Pocky stick and set it close to Pikachu's mouth. He opened his jaws and clamped down onto the breadstick. As he slowly nibble on it you giggled.

After a solid hour of doing this with him the Pocky was all gone. You giggled as Pikachu laid on your stomach and snored. You softly poked his cheeks and quietly laughed. 'They're so squishy!!' you smiled. You leaned back and rested your head on the arm rest near your head. You sighed and relaxed. Soon enough you conked out, falling into dreamland.

~ about a two hour timeskip brought to you by cupcakes ~

You slowly woke up, blinking rapidly as you heard a startling noise. You woke to Pikachu shaking with laughter as he rolled back and fourth on your stomach. "What are you laughing at?" you asked with a slight hint of wonder. He giggled and brought out a mirror, aiming it at your face. When you saw yourself you gasped.

Your face was covered in black Sharpie, designs all throughout your skin. Your jaw dropped open as you saw Pikachu's paw prints on the side of your left cheek, claiming that he did this crazy act. You pulled the mirror down and sat up, giggling while Pikachu bawled in laughter. "You little sneak!" you told him as you picked him up. You then walked into the kitchen and opened up a cabinet, inside was at least twenty boxes of chocolate and strawberry Pocky. Pikachu slowly stopped laughing and gazed at the Pocky. His eyes soon had little pink hearts in them as he stared at the Pocky. "Pikaaa~" he said with a slur of delight. You giggled at his actions, grabbed a strawberry and chocolate Pocky box, and started heading for the couch again. As you sat down you gave Pikachu the chocolate Pocky box. He then popped out of his almost drunken stage and gasped, he then clinging onto the chocolate Pocky box like it would disappear if he let go. You soon opened both Pocky boxes and started munching on the Pocky you had.

As you ate you looked down at Pikachu and saw the cutest thing. He was eating his Pocky bit by bit and blushing as he did so. You awed at him, making him look up. "P-Pika!" he asked in a  grumpy tone. You giggled and said, "Nothing~", going back to you Pocky.

After awhile you felt something poking at your lips. You looked down and saw it was a chocolate Pocky stick. You blushed and looked down at Pikachu with a smile. He was blushing and urging you to eat the stick. You laughed and grabbed a strawberry stick, poking it at his mouth as well. He looked at it with a shocked expression as his ears fell back in embarrassment. He opened his mouth and bit on the stick, looking up at you with large brown eyes. 'So cute~' you thought as you bit into the Pocky as well. The chocolatey taste entered your tastebuds and it made you hum in delight.

You two did this until both the boxes were empty and all that was left were two blushing individuals.

But hey, who can say no to Pocky~

~ The End ~

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