(-Part Two!-) Hurt! Charmander x Reader: Again~?

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(Description: Yay! Someone actually requested a second part to this as well! I'm happy, it's fun to do so. This request was made by a cool Wattpad user by the name of Moonwatcher77, so please go check them out! Anyways, not much to say, onto the story!)

Requester: Moonwatcher77


"CHAR CHAHAHARRR!!!" Charmander screeched as he laid on the rocky ground, tear pricks at his eyes. "Charmander?! Are you-- oh dear...again?" you asked as you turned around and ran to Charmander's small side.

You and Charmander had recently officially started traveling around Kanto, looking for adventure like every other Pokemon Trainer. Thought it now clearly seemed that Charmander was a VERY clumsy Pokemon indeed. You two had only started your journey about two weeks ago and Charmander already had three scraps on his body and a few bruises. You, of course, had used Potions on Charmander to try and help the scraps heal though you soon did ask Nurse Joy if this was normal, that Charmander's could get this many scraps from literally nothing. She had told you every Pokemon is different, like humans. Though Charmander always feels very bad for being clumsy you always cheered him up with a creamy PokePuff.

And now he has finally fallen his third time today.

You sat down by his petit form and lifted a small hand to the bag on your bag, bringing out a orange PokePuff just in case. He whimpered and showed a small cut on his leg that began to bleed. "Oh honey! Here, take this." you said as you handed him the PokePuff and brought out a First-Aid kit. You opened the small box and lightly snatched a small disinfectant wipe as he munched away on the PokePuff. "This may sting a bit, honey." you warned as Charmander prepared himself with a grunt. You pressed the nap to his knee as he wheezed in a sharp breath of pain through the PokePuff crumbs. "Sorry..." you continuously said as you dabbed the wipe against his scrap. You placed the wipe down after the bleeding lessened and grabbed a small bandaid from the kit. You opened the bandaid from its packaging and placed it on his wound.

After you thought you were done he whimpered. You stopped but soon remembered what you forgot with a tiny grin. You then lowered your face to his knee and pressed your lips to the bandaid with a feather-like touch of kiss. He blushed and chirped in happiness as you pulled away with a giggle.

You looked down at the box once more and pouted as you noticed something off. "Oh...that was our last bandaid. No more falling for you today, young man!" you said with a finger wag in a joking way. He laughed as he cutely saluted to you. He slowly stood and took a step forward but crumpled down onto your lap with a yelp of pain. You gasped and lightly grabbed his figure. "Oh no! Are you alright?!" you asked as you picked him up and cradled him in your left arm. He shakily nodded with a nervous smile and let out a small, flustered yip. You sighed but widely smiled as you got an idea. "I'll carry you!" you shouted as you grabbed your bag from the floor and started walking, holding him in your arm with care.

"C-Char?!" he shouted as he tried to lean up but failed as a sharp pain filled his body. He leaned back down and let himself be carried by you as he blushed. 'I can't believe this...!' he though as his face reddened even more.

~ Timeskip to the next town ~

You sighed in relief as Viridian City soon came into view. "Finally!!" you panted out. You sprinted towards the Pokemon Center and once you opened the doors you saw the lovely Nurse Joy who had helped you with Charmander before. "Hi Ms. Joy! May me and Charmander stay here tonight?" "Of course! You two are always welcomed here. Would you like me to go heal Charmander for you? He looks pretty banged up." Your eyes light up at this, "Yes please!" She then lightly took Charmander in her arms and took him away to go be helped in the back. And the about two minutes later you saw her bring Charmander back out and into your arms. "I'll go get a bed ready for you." she said.

After twelve more minutes you two were in a quiet room alone. "Alright Charmander, no more getting hurt, okay? At least try to be a bit more careful in life?" you calmly asked. He joyfully nodded his head with a blush and carefully curled his figure up to yours, being wary of his ignited tail. You yawned, leaned down to his head, and kissed the top. "Night bud...~" was the last thing you said before falling asleep with a sigh.

'Thank you, (Y/N)...again~' he thought as he grinned and fell into a deep sleep.

~ The End ~

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