Tauros x Reader: Ok, Let's Ride~

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Requester: Chibi-Razgriz

(Description: Yay! Getting the first request done! Btw sorry the wait was long, Chibi-Razgriz! It took me so much time to find inspiration but it was a lot of fun to go out of my comfort zone! Thanks and more requests to come in the future

"Aw, come on Tauros, please?! Just turn a little lef--ACK!!" you screamed as your new, male Tauros bucked and launched you off of his back, onto the ground. You leaned up on your scratch palms and sighed. You were getting no where like this. Tauros snorted in a smug manor and trotted off towards it's pen.

You had recently went on a little Pokemon hunt and happened to run into a wild Tauros. You, being the curious trainer you are, caught it with a large smile. Big mistake. This particular Tauros had a bad attitude and a HUGE ego, not the best combination for a non-prepared Tauros trainer. So for about a few days, not including the time need to build his pen and stuff, you've been trying to become better friends with Tauros and try riding him in the upcoming Pokemon Race.

You prepared for slight pain and stood up. Once you were stable you ran over to Tauros, whom was munching on his food. As he heard you jog over, he snorted in annoyance. Do humans EVER give up?! Why can't you just get tired of him already and set him free?! You rested you hand on his back but he leaned away from your reassuring touch. You grimly looked down at the dirt and thought. What will you do? What CAN you do? He never wants to cooperate with you or your Pokemon, ever. Maybe you should just...you suddenly got a surge of intense determination. No, you aren't giving up. No matter how hard he tries to get rid of you, your staying and helping him.

With a little more time in your thoughts you suddenly perked up at a minor plan. With a somewhat sinister grin you jogged off toward you bag. Tauros watched you walk away with a look of confusion. Have you finally given up? Are you ok? Tauros realized what he said in his mind and shook his head. No, your fine, why should he be worried? He then snorted and kept munching on his food.

Two minutes later you came back with a large bag. One thing you learned while training Tauros was that he LOVED to eat. Seriously, he is always eating. Like, 24/7. And good thing you could bake. You think that would be the only reason Tauros would want to stay. You reached inside the bag and brought out a beautiful, just baked PokePuff. You smiled and raised the brown PokePuff. "Ohhhhh Taurrrroooossss~~~!" you said behind Tauros in a sing-song voice. Tauros froze in surprise but soon relaxed and rolled his eyes.

He turned to face you, expecting to give you more failures on riding on his back, but jumped back in surprise. Once he saw the PokePuff in your hands he instantly melted. He'll admit it, he loves your food. His eyes widened as he made a huffing noise, trying to get you to feed him the delicious treat. You giggled in delight, "Do you want the PokePuff?" He wined and and sharply stomped the ground with a hoof. You laughed once more and handed him the treat. He brightened up and quickly chomped the PokePuff. In no less than a second, he finished the treat in one gulp. Your mouth hung open in shock. You soon slightly grinned and grabbed another one, this time it was green, and waited. Tauros notices the green PokePuff as well and begged for that one too. Soon enough after six minutes of feeding Tauros, he had eaten about eleven of your PokePuffs.

You went to grab your last PokePuff and pulled out a beautifully decorated, large, orange PokePuff. Tauros was very excited for this one and started jumping up and down. "Ok, easy...easy." you repeated as you inched closer to Tauros' back. You froze as Tauros pouted, desperately wanting the PokePuff. You couldn't take it anymore. You ran to Tauros' side and tightly hugged him. Tauros stumbled back in shock but soon tried to shake you off. "Awwww~! Your so cute, Tauros~!" you giggled as Tauros let up a little bit on the flailing.

Whenever you would compliment him, he would stop his shakes and they would be less erratic until finally he stopped. He sighed and barley leaned into your hug with a huff. You squeeled and squeezed him harder, happy that he likes your hugs. He huffed in fake annoyance (he really likes your hugs too >^<) and got an idea. He smiled and stepped back from your hug and jerked his head to you then his back twice. "What is it...? Wait...do you want me to...hop on your back...?" you asked with hope. He nodded and jerked his head once more.

With sparkly eyes, you climbed onto his back. Though this time he did not resist your gentle hold. You smiled and politely asked him to run around the stables a few times. He automatically agreed and bolted off to run.

As you two reach his stable again your veins were coursing adrenaline throughout your body. With a new high you laughed it all out. "WOW!! What are rush!" you shouted to the sky as Tauros smirked. You insanely giggled one more and looked forward at the never ending fields of green. You stared at them with a smile. You had finally won over a bit of Tauros' trust and you had no intention to lose it. It felt great. With a lazy smile, you hugged Tauros once more. You then leaned back up with a happy, red face.

"Ok, buddy, let's ride!!" you called as you and Tauros rode off into the meadows. "YEEEEHAAAAAWWWW!!!!" you cried in delight.

Tauros glanced at you face and only saw a large smile. He made a laughing sound and looked forward again with a newfound source of energy.

Where you two went? Well, you two chased the Sun. Never stoping but always together. Through thick and thin.

And to think, all of this trust and friendship came from one simple PokePuff (Y/N) made. They must have been good.

~ The End ~

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