Human! Ninja! Sceptile x Reader: Ninja of the Night~

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(Description: I found this picture of Sceptile and I love it cause I'm into Naruto right now. Anyways, this awesome request was made by a Wattpad user by the name of HagarenNoWaifu so go check them out, they're great! Anyways let's begin, my ninja prodigies!)

Requester: HagarenNoWaifu

-This story mentions drinking so you are, or over, 21 in this story, if you're not comfortable with stories that mention drinking then you know what to do!-


You hummed in happiness as you cheerily trotted down the sidewalk, a bit tipsy from the small glass of wine you had earlier. Your friends had just taken you to the local bar to have some 'fun'. You know, drinking, hitting on guys-- was mostly them hitting on guys, you just didn't really find anyone even remotely interesting at the moment.

You had always dreamed of have a sweet relationship with a tall, strong man, someone who could whisk you off your feet and carry you off into the sunset. Like a fricken Disney movie. Yeah, like that would happen to a normal girl like yourself. You don't get even remotely near Pokemon so that already docs down your popularity, you aren't too smart but you're not 'dumb', you're just...average. You sighed as the spring in your step slowed to a walk, the depressing thoughts of life wearing down your drunken attitude.

Suddenly you were roughly pulled into a nearby alley. Your scream was cut short as a hand drew over your lips, covering any noises that may slip out. "Okay, girly, you're gonna come along with me nice and quiet or you're," you then felt something hard pushed to the back of your head, "DEAD." You then felt previously unknown tears streak down your face as you whispered out, "...o-okay..." The person, most likely a man, pulled you out of the alley and walked both of you down the sidewalk, cocked gun pressed to your back and ready to fire at any given moment.

You breathed in and out heavily as you prayed inside your mind, hoping to not be blown into smithereens. "Where do you live?" the man asked in an inpatient tone. "44th S-Selmer Street in the Sunny Hunny apartment complex. 58th apartment on the 12th floor." you shakily answer, waisting no time. "Wow, I should have found a victim like you ages ago." he said with a smirk.

About two minutes later you and the man were still walking down the sidewalk. You soon heard the man growl in anger and suddenly you felt the previous gun crash into the side of your head with lots of force. You quickly collapsed to the ground with a cry of pain and shakily looked at your captor as blood leaked down your face from the new wound in your head. "IT WAS ALL A HOAXS, WASN'T IT?! BY GOD, I'M GONNA BLOW YOUR HEAD IN!!!" he shouted as he raised the pistol to your forehead. "NO NO, PLEASE, NOOO!!" you pleaded as you yelled. "HELP, PLEASE HELP ME!!" you screamed into the dark night. "Say your prayers!" he shouted as he aimed and fired-- the gun was then knocked out of his hand. You stared at the gun in shock as it skidded towards the street. Lodged inside it was a four bladed, green shuriken that gave off a beautiful display in lights.

"I'd leave this girl alone, if I were you." you heard someone behind you say. You then heard your captor growl, "Oh yeah?! Well what are you gonna--!" his breath caught in his throat as he looked at who the voice belonged too. "Sceptile..." he whispered in a quiet voice. "Long time, no see, Feraligatr." the man behind you said in a cold voice. Finally having the will to move, you looked behind you. What you saw was nothing beyond astonishing. He was a male man who greatly resembled a Pokemon. A Sceptile to be exact.

Recently you had heard tales about Pokemon rapidly transforming into humans but you never even thought about trying it. Now you see what's really happing to them.

This man was dressed up like a complete ninja. Most of his outfit was different shades of green, with a cloak of green wrapped around him that showed of his green shirt and large, knee-length pants. His cloak hood covered most of his face and what was left was covered by a red cloth that only showed his striking yellow eyes, pale white skin, and strips of light green hair. His shirt had rolled up sleeves that reached his forearms, also having two long strips of green on either side that rested on the outer sides of the cuffs. A long belt connected the shirt and pants together and it was a beautiful red with an intricate print. His pants were poofy and connected knee high, green socks that had green shoes that covered the bottoms. Now that you think of it, his outfit in general looked very ninja-like and held lots of accessories, such as a tuff of leaves that hung loosely, like a tail, on his lower waist and a 'necklace' that had six yellow balls as the decoration. The thing that most awed you was the glowing green kunai knife in his right hand that appeared to be pulsating as the minutes grew.

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