Chapter 3

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Suddenly he scooped me off the floor and carried me bridal style. My eyes widened and my hands automatically reached behind his neck for support.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!" I yelled at him, "Now shut up and lead the way!" He started running again and I got to admit that he's a fast runner. Well, this idea isn't that bad after all.

At least I don't have to run. Hee heee.

"Go inside that building over there! There's a janitor room for us to hide." I pointed at the a small old storage building beside the school gym hall. Everybody still in the ceremony and I doubt anyone's there right now. I looked behind me and the 2 security started to get tired and they're less scary now. Whew..

When we got there, he put me down and I open the door for us. We hid inside it, trying our best to catch our breath without making too much noise.

"Thank god there's this building. But why is it so dusty?" He whispered to me. I look around the room and I can see lots of cobwebs and dust on top of the broken chairs and table. My nose got itchy in this dusty room and I started to rub my nose. I guess he noticed it and took out his handkerchief for me to use. "Thank you" I mouthed to him and he replied with a little smile.

"Did you see them?"

We heard a voice from outside, the security were right outside this door. I automatically hid behind him and tug on his blazer. He noticed that and shield me with his body.

"We lost them! You should've ran faster, Shindong-Hyung!" Whew.. I guess they didn't check inside. I rubbed my nose with the handkerchief and it smells really good, like the mixture of some sweet choco-ish smell...

My gawd, why's this room so dusty?! I keep rubbing my nose because it's so itchy!

"I want to - ACHOO!"

Our eyes widened and before we realized it ,we heard the sound of the door opened, "Hey hyung! I found them!" Said the smaller guy. He smiled wickedly and blocked the door with his body.

Oh shit...

What should we do?! Think Jung Soo Jung! Think!

"Don't try to run away, kids. I got you now.." He walked closer with his arms stretched out to block our way. The guy looked at our surrounding and it's really impossible for us to run away.

He reached for something behind me and smirked. "I got an idea. After I block his sight, we run again. Deal?"

"Wait! What do you -"

"Deal then. 1.. 2.. 3! Llamaaaa!!!!" He reached out for something and throw - dust to his face?!

"Arghhh! Hyung!!" The security clutched on his eyes and fell on the ground. We took this opportunity to jump out and escape. But after we escaped from the room, we crashed into the next security. He's much taller and bigger than the previous guy and he easily caught us before we started to run.



He tackled us both on the ground and hold us in place. He tied our hand behind our back. What the heck?!

"What the hell, dude?!" The guy said when the security tied him. He struggled to escape, but it was a vain. He tied me too, but this time I don't have any strength left to escape.

"You can't escape from the almighty Shin Dong Hee!" He viking-laughed and pulled us to stand. "You're in deep trouble, kids! You're late on the FIRST day of school, illegal entrance, running away from the guard, PLUS attacking the guard! Wow! What a skill, you got there!" He exclaimed. "But you can't run away from me! Hahahahaaa!" He laughed again and his big stomach moved as he laughed.

The guy only lowered his head. I guess he was sad because his plan didn't work. But, I realize we can't have this runaway forever, not to mention we're already inside the school with no way out.

Well, no need to run anymore...

"It's your fault we got caught. We wouldn't be like this if you hadn't sneezed, ya know" he said blaming me for our failed escape.

"Me?! Yah! That's a dusty room you know! And It's human nature to sneeze!" I defend myself.

"But we wouldn't have been caught IF you hadn't sneezed." He continued in a matter-of-fact tone.

"It's your fault, who's the genius who had the idea to throw the dust to the guard at the first place?!"

"That's self defense! Did you see that rapist look on his face?!"

"But that doesn't mean you HAVE to blind him with the dust!"

"That's just dust, he won't just die because of it. You're exaggerating." He rolled his eyes to me. HE ROLLED HIS EYES TO ME




"You did NOT just rolled your eyes to ME, you son of a -- wait, what's your dad's job?"

"He's a chef and baker"

"Take this, you son of baker!!" I head-butted him on his stomach and his body curved backwatds due the ammount of force.

"Stop this right now!" Mr. Shin, the guard, separated us from any further fight. I death-glared him and he's still curled up. Before we realize it, we're already in the corridor to the principal's room.

Mr. Shin cut the rope and let us go, "You go inside Mr. Park's room right now, and don't even try to escape." He narrowed his eyes to threatened us. We only nodded and scoffed at each other.

Remember when I said he's perfect?


He's a spawn of devil and a complete jerk!


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