Chapter 7

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I stood there in the middle of this chaotic room.

You see over there Wendy still screaming at the unconscious Jackson, and Tiffany still rubbing her pencil case with Taeyeon hugging her like a koala to a tree.


The door opened and revealed the rest of the student council. There's Luna, the secretary, Kris the 2nd vice president, and Kyungsoo with Suho the treasurer. Well, all here are the main student council and the rest of us - like Jackson, are the sub groups for handling the school event and students. You can say that we are the REAL student council *ehem*

"Uh.. Can someone tell me what's going on here? And is that... Blood?" Luna asked as she pointed at the red spots on the floor.

"Well, actually yes. It's real blood from that idiot over there." Seohyun pointed at Jackson, who's still unconscious." I face palmed, "Can someone bring him to the infirmary, please? And thank you." Kris, the silent guy, nodded and lift him up like somekind of rice bag and drapped it on his shoulder, after that he walked out of the room.

"Taeyeon, let go of Tiffany and sit on your seat."

"No!" Taeyeon barked and tightened the hug on Tiffany.

"Taeyeon.. I swear to god I will burn you, and feed it to Ginger and throw the remaining to the wild dogs." Seohyun threatened her

Taeyeon gasped, "You wouldn't!"

Seohyun took out a lighter from god knows where the hell she got it from and lit it in front of her, "Wanna try?" She said with a psychopathic smirk. Taeyeon only gulped and walked to her seat obediently. Whipped!

"Soojung, that order goes to you too." She glaced at me and place the lighter on top of her table. She sat herself on my left side as my vice president, along with Kris. "Ye- yes. I understand." I quickly grabbed my notebook from the locker and sat on my seat. After awhile, Kris got back from the infirmary and sat on my right side.

Let me introduce you all the main student council here,

Here there are 3 secretaries ; Wendy, Tiffany and Luna.

3 treasurer ; Suho, Taeyeon and Kyungsoo, and me as the president and 2 vice president, Seohyun and Kris. Me, Kris and Seohyun handle 3 sub group each, so that's mean there're 9 sub group and every sub group is responsible for their project and the annual year-end meeting for reviewing their job during 1 year as the student council.

Eventhough we seems like a chaotic group on the inside, but somehow we still stuck together and we haven't had any big trouble or what so ever. Well, you can say that it's god's miracle we can passed all those event smoothly.

You can say the 'non-idiotic' people here are Suho, Luna, and Kris. The rest are... You already know. That Seohyun got into the 'psychopath' group, don't ask me! Because that's the way it is and that's the truth

"Ehrm.. So since everybody's here. I'd like to start the first meeting of this school year." I opened the meeting. Everyone clapped and Taeyeon added a whistle, plus a howl. What the hell, Taeyeon?

"So, this year, basically we will do the same thing as usual, but we will do a questionnaire around this month to hear what the students want to do for the school festival." I explained to them. Only this time they can sit and hear obediently for my order. Even the wild-eyed Taeyeon managed to peel her eyes from Tiffany and looked at me with full concentration.

I handed out mini books for everyone. This book is a planing journal for our student council program and their job this year. I have stacked their job into a book so they don't need to call me in the middle of the night just because they forgot their work.

"So, for the questionnaire, Luna, Seohyun, and Wendy, I need you to list down the possibility for their idea in a multiple choice question, after that, tell the Public Relation guys to inform it to the students and print the question." They nodded and began writing it down on their book.

"Treasurer team, prepare the cash for the paper and the printers, and don't forget to write them down." They nodded as well.

Maybe you guys wondering how come such a thing like Taeyeon can be a treasurer? Well, I couldn't believe it at first, but she's really really good at managing money, and sensitive about our expenses. She goes into an ahjumma mode when she counts on the money and can't let anything misses from her supervisor. Well, I can say that she's a great treasurer at work, but turned into an absurd creature outside the school council. I wonder how Tiffany could stick this long with Taeyeon?

"I will wait for the report by the end of this week. It's still Monday, but don't slack off-"

"Or I'll kill you." Seohyun continued that made everyone gulped and nodded right away. Even the poker-faced Kris and the innocent duo, Suho and Kyungsoo got scared of her.

"Okay, meeting dismissed. You can go back to class." They stood from their seat and walked outside the door while walking zig-zaging, avoiding the things scattered on the floor. I stacked the rest of the mini book and put it inside the locker. I drapped my bag strap on my shoulder and walked to my class after locking the council room.

I walked to my class. When I stopped at the door to open it, I saw her back figure from the little window on the door and she had her backpack with her. I opened the door and greeted Mr. Shim, "Hello Mr. Shim. I just got back from the student council meeting.". I glanced at Amber and she smiled brightly at me.

He looked away from the paper he was holding and smiled, "Ah.. That's okay Miss Jung. You can go back to your seat." I nodded and walked to my seat.

Mr. Shim put down the paper and said to the class, "So, guys, you've known Amber Liu, right?" The class answered with a choir of 'yeah' and they sound really happy.

"But, unfortunately.."

With unknown reason, my heart started to beat faster at his words, "She got into the wrong room, and she's actually in 2 - C, not 2 - B. So, say goodbye to her now." Amber smiled sadly and bowed to the entire class.

I heard the class goes into a chaos after hearing the news. Mostly they disagree with her leaving the class.

Wow, she's just been here for few hours and the class already likes her? Who are you??

But for me, I don't know why my heart ached and suddenly I felt suffocated eventhough nothing is wrong with my surrounding. My tounge suddenly got tied and I can't response to her leaving news like the other.

What is this feeling? And why does it feel like I don't want her to leave?

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