Chapter 9

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"S - sunbae?! W-what are y-you doing here?!"

Let me introduce you to the previous council president. With a tall, strong and solid body, added with his amazingly smart brain, he easily lead the council to the glory during his work period.

He was the captain for basketball team and the soccer team. With his sharp eyes, nothing can go through unnoticed in his watch. With a smile as light as feather and as warm as my mom ramyeon, the heartthrob of Seoul High, the 'Prince Charming', and the most-wanted guy for every girl (or maybe guys too).

He is..

The one and only,

Choi Min Ho.

"Well, this is a public hallway, so I can go where ever I want, right?" He said, added with a bright and oh-so-charming smile.

If his smile was a lighthouse on top of the highest peak of Korea, I think the people in Antartica could see it clearly. Or even the people from Africa could see it. It is THAT bright.

"Uh.. I got caught sleeping in class, so Mr. Shim dragged me out of the class. So.. Here I am, Minho Sunbae." I smiled sheepishly and rubbed my not-so-itchy nape.

He laughed with that warm voice, and patted my head.

"What's up with the sunbae, Soojung-ah? Sunbae is too formal, call me Oppa. Minho Oppa, okay?" He smiled again.



"O-oh.. Okay.. M-Minho O-oppa." I felt the sudden warm wave go through my chest, cheeks, and endded in my stomach, creating a funny fuzzy feeling.

I looked at him and he just smiled and patted my head again. Okay, I gotta admit that I admire him until now, I mean, who wouldn't fall for him? No one in their right mind would reject him back then. I never really pay my attention to him, but somehow our path crossed and we're friends with one another. He is my role model to be the student council president.

It's all began when I joined the student council, I was his secretary and I had to follow him to every council event. So, as an obedient secretary, I followed the order and did my job well.

From monitoring the club's activity, until going to another town for attending a seminar or an invitation from another school, I followed him. During his era, he had a lot, like A LOT of fangirl. They would follow him around the school like somekind of flies and even flirt on him.

Most of them are from the cheerleader team. When he came to see their practice (with me of course), most of them would tried their best to catch his attention with their sexy (?) figure. But, eventhough he was surrounded by all that attention, he still keep his relation with most of them as an acquintance and tried to treat them as nice as he can.

I was so dense back then that I didn't realize that he gave me most of his attention. I thought that's how he treated every girl.

Until that day came, The day when he confessed to me.

He said he's been courting me since the beginning, but I never realized any of them. He confessed to me on the roof top, after one of our meeting. It was almost dark and there's only few of people left at school. There's only two of us on the roof top. I was so shocked and happy at the same time that I didn't know how to react to it. I guess he realized it and gave me a week to think about his question.

But, we didn't know there's someone with us that day. The one who witnessed every single thing.

3 days later, when I opened my locker, I saw lots of letter with my name sloppily written on them pouring out of my locker. Most of the letter had black paint on them. It was still wet and I picked one up carefully, and opened it.


That was the only thing written in it. I was shocked, grabbed all of the letters and throw it away. I checked out the inside of my locker, and another surprise was waiting for me. I closed mouth with my hands and stepped back.

Someone has just poured a black paint inside my locker and dumped a dead rat inside my locker. I slumped down and I didn't know what to do. All my books, notes, and belonging are now painted in black. Thank god Tiffany and Seohyun was there to hold me. I cried in Tiffany's embrace and Seohyun ran away.

When she got back, she dragged Minho Sunbae with her.

She was fuming mad and blamed him for all of this. And when I looked at him, that day, I saw the light had gone from his eyes.

He felt so guilty and bowed down to me in front of the people in the hallway. He kept saying sorry and sorry, but deep down, we knew it won't change anything. He said this is all his fault and he promised to searched for the culprit.

And without me saying 'no' to him, it was clear that I can't be with him.

Weeks passed and Minho Sunbae finally caught the mastermind behind the incident. It was the girl from the cheerleader who had been flirting with him everytime she saw him. The school gave her 3 weeks of detention, and gave me new books and new locker because the damage in the previous one is too much and the paint had dried that made it too hard to scrub it.

After that incident, we reluctantly avoided each other.

Seohyun took my place for following him to the events. Minho Sunbae treated everyone with the same treatment and never had any special relation. It was pretty sad that the light, the warm, and the smile had gone from his face. After that incident, he never attended the cheerleader event anymore.

Few months later, It was the day when I won the election. I was so happy that my dream come true. During the ceremony, as the previous president, he's the one who gave me the school's flag as a symbol of the student council title and power. He only smiled a little and turned around before I get the chance to reply it.

"Soojung? Soojung - ah? Earth to Soojung?"

He waved his hand in front of my face.

I snapped out of my daydream about our past and faced him, "Yes Minho Sun- Oppa?"

"Ah.. Good. You're back. So I'll be going now. Take care and don't forget to apologize to Mr. Shim, okay?" He said as he slipped his hand into his pocket.

But, we're now in good terms, because time heals everything, right?

I forgave him and he finally let go of the guilt about the incident after months of it slowly eating him alive. And now, the lights are back in his eyes and he seems brighter these days.

"Sure thing, Oppa." I smiled and gave him a thumb up. He nodded and patted my head.

He walked away and I face the scenery across the hallway through a big window. The lights seeped through it and warmed and light the entire hallway. I closed my eyes and waited patiently for the punishment to end.

"Shoot! I forgot! Hey, Soojung!" I heard Minho Oppa called me from a few step away from me.


He turned around, grinned and said,

"I still like you."

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