Chapter 24

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"I like you."

The words echoed and I laid still under her stare. She looked into my eyes, trying to look for an answer, a response perhaps.

"I- I.." I stuttered.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Suddenly, all the memories with Minho Oppa flooded my mind, and the memories of bullying came back and hunted me again. Amber is a really popular person and she has lots of fans who would kill each other to be with her.

Her fangirls..


I can't..

I can't bear that bullying again..

"Amber.. It's-" She shushed me and smiled weakly, "I know.. No need to rush. I'll be here waiting for you. I promise.". She looked into my eyes and I fell deeper into her dark orbs with each second we spent here. She kissed my forehead and helped me to stand.

She held my hand and it fits perfectly inside hers. She pulled my hand and placed it on top of her heart. She held my hand and I could feel her heart beats. It was really really fast and strong with each beat. I guess she was as nervous as me then.

"I don't care what that maniac will do to me, but I promise I won't let him lay his fingers on you." She said in full determination. I was touched by her vow, and I let go of her hand and hugged her tight. She held me in her protective arms and I've never felt this safe and secure.

"Promise?" I looked up and met her eyes.

She eye-smiled and grinned, "Promise."

---- ---- ----

We're now in the arena outside basketball court for their practice and exercise. I sat on the shady bench with their bags while the rest and were busy running around and dribbled the ball with Coach Choi ordering them their strategy. Amber looked really happy to be reunited with the team, but now she occasionally looked around the place and she's aware all the time.

It was a hot day and the team was sweating like tap water and some even took off their shirts to release the heat. Well.. With the view of abs and perfect muscles everywhere, I don't really mind to stay here. Hehehe..

"Hey, Soojung! Pass me the drink!"

Jackson ran towards me and I threw him a water bottle. He slumped on the bench with a loud thud. He drank all the water and sprayed some of it on his head and shook his head. Now he looks like a wet dog who just got sprayed.

"Waaahh~ So hot!" He exclaimed and fanned himself. I placed a cold towel on his head and he wiped his sweat with it. "Are you done, yet?" I asked him. He shook his head and dried his hair with the towel. "I don't think so. Tomorrow we'll be against a strong team so we have to train harder." He fist pumped and stand on his feet again. I stood in front of him and combed his hair to make it look good again.

"Thanks Jung!!" He ruffled my hair and pinched my cheek.

"Yah! How dare you ruin your PRESIDENT's hair, you ungrateful little shit?!" I slapped his hand away but he just kept laughing and ruffled it more.

"If you won't stop, I'll tell Wendy that-"

"Don't tell her!" He exclaimed and shut my mouth with his sweaty and dirty hand. I slapped it away and pinched his stomach, "Your hands are dirty! How dare you touch me with that filthy hand!" I shouted and pretend that I'm really mad at him. He 'ooh'-ed and started touching my hair, my face and my hands and wiped it on my shirt.


"Hey, are you guys together now?"

I raised an eyebrow, "W-what? Who?"

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