Chapter 23

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"All right, I will announce the kids who'll play today so BE QUIET!"

The boys stopped from whatever they were doing and sat down like an obedient kid in front of Coach Choi. Amber sat beside me while applying somekind of ointment on her legs. Coach Choi flipped open his journal and coughed to get their attention.

"The first.. Amber, you'll be the captain. Take care of them, kiddo." Coach Choi tossed her the captain armband and she bowed down. "I'll do my best!" She said. Coach Choi proceed to read it again.

"Jackson and Kris, you're in. I'm expecting lots of those untouchable passes today." They bowed and high fived with each other.

"Ten you're in too. Good luck, kid." Coach Choi smiled and ruffled Ten's hair who was a feet away from him. "And the last one is... Eli. That's it guys. Do your best!" Coach Choi fist pumped to the air and the guys stood up and bowed to him.

"Gather uppp!!!" Amber yelled and placed her hand in mid air for a group highfive. The boys followed her and swarmed around while trying to put their hand on top of the rest.

"SEOUL!" Amber yelled


The rest replied and lifted their hands to the sky. They warm up again beside the court. That Eli guy was pretty new here. We've never chatted before but Amber said he's pretty nice. Our opponent team was from the Sokcho Eagle. They weren't a famous team, but they caught the media eye's by being the team with the fastest sprinter. And so, they climbed their way to the top slowly.

Let's just hope the team can beat them.

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The whistle from the referee followed by the cheers from the crowd. Our team won by 89 - 24. The Sokcho team was pretty fast, but Amber outmatched them and the special pass between Jackon and Kris played a big role in this match.

The crowd cheered Amber's name when she walked back to the bench. She looked up and waved to the crowd. She grinned and bowed to the crowd, followed by the team. After they shook hands with the Sokcho team, they walked out from the building and into the mini locker room beside it.

"Dude! That pass was sick! You guys are awesome!" Eli ruffled Jackson and Kris's head. They laughed together and walked faster to the locker room. Amber walked casually beside me while drying the sweat from her body.

"Congratulations, Amber. That was amazing." I said to her. She turned her eyes to me and smiled really big. "Thanks!" She said and circled her arm around my shoulder.

"Ewww!! Don't do that! You're sweaty!". She just laughed and pulled me closer to her.

"Ewww!! Stop it, Amber! You're gross!" I slapped her thigh and she kept laughing.

"Awww.. Now you're mad again?" She teased me and pouted her lips. I gotta admit she looks cute while pouting.

"Naaah.. You won't get mad at me. I know you love mee~" She said and circled her hand around my shoulder again and we walked in sync.

I looked at her face and she seemed so relaxed after that match. Her eyes were gentle and gazed at the distance. I hid my smile and leaned my head on her shoulder. I waited for her reaction, but she seems okay, so I just continue doing it.

This feels nice...

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"Tomorrow is a free day. Congrats for today's match!" Coach Choi raised his glass and the guys joined him before drinking the juice - because we're still underaged.

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