Chapter 33

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Krystal's POV

Where could she be?

I wonder if something happened to her.

Maybe she got hurt on her way here, or maybe she's just too busy today.

Hmm... I'm starting to worry. Why hasn't she sent me message yet?

She isn't the type to just skip school all of a sudden without letting her teachers know.

"Hey Krystal" Seohyun said as she walked to where I was sitting. She had a worried look on her face, I guess I spaced out more than I thought.

"Are you okay? Is something bothering you?"

"Well... now that you mention it... I just feel... a little worried, you know?"

"About Amber?" She asked, she never fails to surprise me. It's like she reads my mind, sometimes it's kind of scary...

"How did you-"

"Come on, like I don't know you. It's all you've been thinking about since you met her."

"Hey! That's not true, you liar!" I said trying to deny it, even though I know she's kinda saying the truth.

"Anyway" I said going back to the original subject as she just rolled her eyes. "I'm worried because she didn't show up to any of her classes today. And it's weird considering she always tells her teachers AND calls me if she has a problem."

"So what if she didn't call you, maybe she was too busy. And besides, how do you know she didn't call her teachers either?"

"Well because... I went to her classroom during lunch to ask her classmates."

"And? What did they say?"

"Well... Minah was there too and I heard one of Amber's friends tell her that she hadn't called her teachers and that they didn't know anything either. After that I just came back here, didn't ask." I heard Seohyun chuckle a little after I told her that. I'm guessing it was because I sound like a jealous girlfriend because of Minah. Even I catched up to my tone.

Damn you Minah.

"How about I go with you to her house to see if she's okay after we finish this?" We were currently on the student council room preparing some things.

It's tiring being the president.

"Will you really go with me? You barely know her."

"She's important to you, and besides... we're friends too. Just so you know." She said in a-matter-of-fact tone.

"Wait, what? Since when?" I started asking but she just put away some papers and grabbed her bag.

"I didn't know you were friends, how did it happen? Hey Seohyun answer me come on~~~" I kept saying as she just walked to the door.

"Haha come on let's go see her"

"Okaaaayy" Just because I really wanted to see her.

But I'm not done with you Seohyun!

Amber' s POV

Uuuugghhh... I feel terrible!

Damn it!

I guess I'll have to skip school today.

I tried to grab my phone from my drawer but couldn't reach it.

I'm gonna have to stand up and grab it.

Bad idea.

As I did so my head hurt like if someone had hit me with a rock.

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