Chapter 30

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I woke up to the smell of coffee coming from outside the room. I turned around on the bed only to realize that a certain person wasn't by my side anymore.

I laid on the bed for a couple of minutes before I finally decided to get out of bed and meet the person outside the room.

As I entered the kitchen, I saw Amber was busy making breakfast already.

"Someone woke up early today" I said, standing right by the doorframe. I took a quick glance outside the window and the sun was barely coming out.

Amber turned around and smiled at me "yeah, I know. Coach Choi called me earlier and told me to come to the court in two hours. Today will be the last day we get a chance to practice before the game tomorrow." She said excitedly.

Right, the game's tomorrow already. They'll be playing against the Busan black bears, or in other words, she'll be playing against Kai. I need to talk to her about that deal with him.

"Krystal? What's wrong, are you okay?" She said, worry on her face as she came closer to me.

I didn't notice the expression on my face had changed until she asked me that.

"I need to tell you something Amber... And... Well... I-its about K-Kai" I said, the sudden change on her face surprised me. I was worried that the 'dark' Amber may appear again.

"What do you want to tell me? Did he do something to you when you were with him? Because if he did... I swear I'll kill that bastard." She said clenching her fists and her jaw. And once again, that look on her face returned, the dangerous one.

"Why don't we talk about it when we're done eating breakfast? It'll get cold." I said, I didn't want her to worry now, after all, it's for the best. I know she'll understand.

She stood there for a while before answering me, she was thinking about something apparently.

"Okay, let's eat breakfast first or we'll be late. We can talk about it on our way to the court." She finally said. I let out a sigh and hugged her tight.

She returned my hug as I told her that it was fine and that I wasn't hurt.

After we finished breakfast, which was really good by the way, we got dressed and made our way to the car.

Once she started the car, we drove in silence for a while until she asked me what had happened.

"Well, Kai took me to what looked like a hidden night club and introduced me to some of his friends..." I started saying, I took a look at her face to see her reaction. She just kept staring at the road ahead, I kept looking at her though.

"A few minutes later we sat ourselves on a couch with them." I continued, but still nothing.
"H-he... He told me to go on a date with him." Amber finally turned around to see me.

"So? You said no, right?" She said, a little worried maybe, I could hear it in her voice.

"I... Well..." I took a deep breath and finally said it. "He told me that if I accepted to go on a date with him, he'll finally leave us alone. That he won't bother us anymore, he promised."

"So..." Amber said, not wanting to say what she was already assuming.

"I said yes, Amber" I said. Amber then took a deep breath and let it out.

"Do you really think he'll keep his promise?" She asked feeling concerned he might hurt me.

"I don't know, but I think it's for the best. Just one date and we'll be free from him." I said, not too sure of my words though.

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