Chapter 6

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Ding! Dong!

"Arghhh.. Finally!" She grunted and slid herself on the floor, massaging her sore legs. We've been standing for 40-ish minutes and good god I don't wanna be late anymore. Lesson learned, Mr. Park *thumbs up*

The students started to fill the hallway after the end of ceremony, and everytime they walked past us, most of the girls would had their eyes widened and can't stop staring at Amber. But the guys had a different reaction. Some had their jaw dropped. They pointed at her and did a basketball move gesture, and she only smiled and nodded. After that they'd do a high five or shake hands. Well, it's been 8 guys who have done that, and the others would ignore the world as usual. And their reaction to me was totally different. They bowed awkwardly and walked faster. What the hell is wrong with these people? Sheesh..

"I'll go to my student council room first. You go inside and place your file on the table or bring it to Mr. Shim - Shim Chang Min. He's our homeroom teacher." I turned around before she can talk to me again.

"Wait! Where are you going? I'll come with you" she said as she ran to catch up with me. I sighed, "It's student council business, Amber. You can't join it becauss you're not one of us. Is that clear?" I explained to her. She stared at me with her puppy look (?) and her lips quivered.




Aaaahh!! Take a deep breath.. Exhale.. Cool face.. Cool face..

"What's with the lips? You cold or something? And stop that look to me, look disgusting." She hung her head low and her body shook because she's holding her laughter.

"Okay okay. I get it. Bye miss president!" She waved and left to the class. I just nodded, and she smiled even wider, if that's possible.

I walked to the student council room, but I have this strange feeling of something bad will coming. When I arrived in front of the door, I straightened my blazer and walked inside.. Huh? Why is it dark? "Any body here?" I said as I walked near the wall for the light switch. When I found it, I clicked it and turned around. I -

"HOLY MOTHER OF BACON!! WHAT THE FU*K ARE YOU DOING?!" I exclaimed when I saw Seohyun standing behing my chair, with a poker face, glaring at me. "Explain yourself" She said as she sat herself on my chair. I clutched on my chest, trying to calm my heartbeat after the shock. She just sat there and fold her arm in front of her chest.

"Uh.. I took the wrong bus this morning and.. I got into a punishment for that and.. Yeah"

"Do. You. Have. Any. Fu**ing. Idea. How. I. Want. To. Kill. You" She said and emphasized on the word 'kill'.

Mommyy, she's scaryyy T^T

"Se-Seohyun-ah, I'm sorry okay.. Don't get mad at me kay" I stepped closer carefully while my hands raised in front of me, incase she got mad and start her rambling. JUST INCASE..

"You know that I don't like being in front of people, right?" I just nodded "Good to know that.. But.. you freaking sent me to do a speech in front of the WHOLE school?! Do you have any idea how nervous I am and worried I am to you?!" She grabbed a water bottle and she threw it to me! I stretched my arm out and thankfully I grabbed it just in time before it crash the window.

"I couldn't stop sweating, shaking and stutteriing! You know that?!" This time it's a pink pencil case - I guess that one is Tiffany's and I catched in mid air.

"I embarrassed myself! I can't even face the crowd any more!" This time she took off her shoe and throw it at me.

"Yah!" It was so fast, I ducked to avoid it

"Hey guys, Did you -"


"Jackson!" We both screamed when we realized the blonde guy whose now on the floor and the shoe landed square on his face. He was still in daze and stared at the ceiling.


"Ughh.. My nose! My beautiful nose! It's bleeding!!!! Aaaaa!!" He said as he stood up and run around the room, looking for a napkin or cloth. He opened every cupboard and took out all the contain on the floor.

"Yah! Stop running! The bleed won't stop if you keep running!" Seohyun yelled at the running guy whose hand now painted in red because of his blood. It was that strong, huh? Thank god it didn't land on my face

Seohyun and I looked at each other, and looked at Jackson. He's still running around the room while holding his nose. We messaged each other by stare, and I guess we have the same idea in our mind.

"Jackson, stop." I ordered him

"AAAA!!! MY NOSEEE!!!!" He just kept opening every box and drawer in this room.

"Don't make me hit you, Jackson!" I threatened him.


Sigh.. There's no other way

I took off my shoes and aimed it at him. I raised my leg, just like how the pro baseball player ready to throw the ball. Inhale..

Target locked



"Hey, did you  see - JACKSON!" He looked at the new visitor - that red haired girl Wendy, who's now on her knees next to Jackson - and now apparently he fainted still with his nose bleeding.

"Don't die Jackson!! You still owe me lunch and dinner!!!!" Wendy yelled as she rocked Jackson limp body. Another girl entered the room. 

"KYAAAA!!! MY PRECIOUS PENCIL CASEE!". Tiffany stepped on Jackson's body and kneeled together with Wendy who's now crying while mumbling about all the thing Jackson's owed to her.

"My preciouss... Huuu" She rubbed her pencil case with her cheek lovingly

"I HEARD TIFFANY'S SCREAM! WHERE'S TIFFANY?!" Taeyeon barged inside the room. She ran to Tiffany and hugged her

"Are you okaayy?? Uuu you had me worrieeed" Taeyeon rubbed her head on Tiffany's body. Another person stepped into the scene, And it's Suho. His eyes widened, his face statted he wants an explanation. But he just face palmed and clossed the door behind him.

I face-palmed,

Is this how the student council supposed to behave?

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