Chapter 29

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!!!" I still can't believe they did nothing to stop him, or rather, let me do it myself!!

"Hyung, please calm down. She'll be fine, don't worry."

"Yeah Cap, don't worry, we'll find her" Jackson said. We were currently still on the court, I couldn't stop thinking about that bastard that took Krystal. I was really worried for what he might do to her.

"Calm down? How can I calm down?! He took Krystal away!! What if something happens?!" I yelled at them, aren't they worried for her too?

"Do you guys even care about her?" I stared at them, but no one dared to look at me.

"Amber, of course we do, we care about her too. It's just that... If you were to do something and someone else saw you, we would be making things worse than they already are" Coach Choi tried to reason. Well... I think he's actually right on that, I wouldn't forgive myself if something bad happened to these guys too. I don't want anymore trouble.

"He's right" Kris said, " besides, if he really wanted to hurt Krystal, I think he would've done it already. Don't you think?" He continued.

They finally looked at me and came closer. I let out a really big sigh and closed my eyes for a minute, when I opened my eyes I saw they were waiting for an answer.

"I think you're right" I finally said, calmer than before. "I guess we'll just have to wait for her to come back" I said, staring at the phone I picked up when they left. The only thing left to do is wait, but either way I feel impotent I couldn't do anything.

I just don't want her to get hurt, and I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'll protect her no matter what, even if it costs my life.


It's late already and we're still outside on the parking lot of the hotel. I really hope I didn't make the guys worry, especially Amber.

After I made the deal with Kai he surprisingly stood up from the couch we were on and told me to follow him.

We went outside and got in the car, it was weird he was actually acting a lot more different than before, I didn't let my guard down though. I couldn't trust him.

He drove for a while until we reached the hotel. Neither of us spoke the entire trip over here.

"So..." Kai said, breaking the silence between us.

"What?" I said, already annoyed, I can't stand him.

He smirked, "I'll call you soon darling. And remember..." I looked at him, "you'll be mine, Krystal Jung. That's a promise" I turned around trying to leave his car, but before I could do it he suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards him.

He crashed his lips on mine and his hands traveled to my sides, holding me tight so I couldn't move.

I was surprised of how fast things happened but when I came back to my senses I used all my strength to push him away from me.

Then he finally backed off with a big grin on his face. "Bye darling, I'll see you soon" and with that I finally got out of the car and he left, thankfully he doesn't know where Amber and I are staying.

I couldn't believe what just happened, he kissed me! He dared to kiss me! I didn't like it at all, so disgusting. I was so mad, I just hope this ends soon so he leaves us alone.

I then took a cab to the apartment building, I just wanted to be with Amber after all that happened.

When I opened the door to the apartment, I saw all the lights were off. It was completely dark, Amber's not here?

"Where could she be?" I said to myself. I went to the room and there she was, sitting on the opposite side of the bed, looking at the night sky through the big window.

I unconsciously smiled to myself and started walking over to her. She looked so beautiful, like right out of a movie.

She heard me and finally turned around. Her eyes were wide open as well as her mouth, she was surprised to see me.

She suddenly stood up from the bed and came running towards me, hugging me tightly. I was surprised but returned her hug, enjoying the feeling of being in her embrace.

Her delicious scent, the warmth she radiated to me, the feel of her strong arms embracing me... It was wonderful.

She then, delicately, grabbed my face and checked if I was fine. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What did that stupid bastard do to you?" She said, worry evident in her voice.

I smiled lightly at her worry towards me, "I'm okay Amber, he didn't hurt me. I'm fine" I said grabbing her hands and staring right into her eyes.

She suddenly started crying and hugged me tightly again, "I was so worried about you, I didn't know where you were or what to do, I'm sorry"

"Don't be Amber, I'm fine, okay? I'm here with you now" I said stroking her back.

We stayed like that for a while and then climbed into bed together. Still hugging each other, she fell asleep in my arms first.
"I need to talk to her tomorrow" I thought, I looked at her and then stared at her lips.

I leaned in and kissed them gently, briefly, just for a moment. Then I pulled back and finally fell asleep.

Author's note:
Hello everybody! Its been a long time. Sorry for keeping you waiting, I promise this story will keep going on.
It's my first time writing on my own so please forgive me if this isn't so good at first.
I would really appreciate it if you guys gave your opinion on this chapter. I know it's a lot shorter than the others, but I just want to know where I'll be leading this story and if you guys are liking it so far.
Thanks for reading this story still, after so much time. That really means a lot.
I'll update again soon!! So...stay tuned!!

- Jun

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