Chapter 22

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"Jackson! Stop right - Ten! Don't eat that! Kris get them please, and Amber - STOP RUNNING AWAY FOR GOD'S SAKE!"

"But I'm hungry coachhh.." Ten whinned and rummaged through the plate to find something he could eat.

Coach Choi slumped on the couch. We're already in our hotel and Jackson already ran away for whatever his reason was, and Ten decided to eat the fake food display with Kris trying hard to take him away from the plate.

I sat down beside Coach Choi and offered him a bottled water to calm him down. He drank all of it at once and mouthed a thanks. Amber finally came back with Jackson behind her and it looks like he brought a huge paper bag in his hand.

"What's that?" Coach Choi asked him. He took out a sandwich and gave it to him. "We forgot to eat lunch and I saw a sandwich vendor nearby, so I bought ya'll sandwiches.". The team cheered and ruffled his hair and took their sandwich and ate it an a flash.

Coach Choi handed out the room keys to everyone, "Go take a bath and gather up for dinner at 7.". The team nodded and walked to their own room. Amber walked to me and there's a key in her hand. "I guess we're sharing room, Krys." She said and smiled widely. She insisted to bring my luggage so I offered to bring her backpack and my small bag.

Amber opened the door and she suddenly dropped the luggage down.

"What happ-"

There's only one queen sized bed.

A blush crept on her face.

"Uh.. I guess we also have to share bed.. Hahaha.." She laughed dryly and rubbed her nape. I nodded slowly and put down my bag. I walked to the window and I could see the view of the city and the stadium on the far east. Amber sat down on the bed and took off her clothes, revealing a black tank top.

"W-what are you doing?!" I could feel my face heating up. Amber just looked at me and hung her clothes in the wardrobe. "I'm gonna take a bath." She said as she took a grey tank top and walked inside the bathroom. I peeked inside her bag and it's almost full of tank tops. Well.. I guess she likes it and has lots of them.

I dragged a chair near the window and gazed at the city. The sun was beginning to set and the sky turned to a shade of orange. People on the street turned on their lamps and the streets were filled with cars and scooters. I noticed there's an ice cream vendor a few buildings away from here. I opened the window and the breeze blew soft wind on my face. I always like this feeling of wind caressing your face.


I turned around, "What?"

"I - I mean the city. It's.. beautiful." Amber said and pointed at the city behind me. She sat down on the bed and furiously dried her hair. I walked to her and stopped her from damaging her hair further more.

"You'll go bald soon if you dry it like that." I grabbed the towel and dried her hair. She just sat there, but I could feel her gaze on my face. After I'm done, I gave it back to her.

"Pffftt.." I sniffled a laughter


"Your hair is so messy!" I combed her hair with my hand and tried to style it like her usual hair style. She just grinned as a sign of gratitude.

"Hey, wanna buy some ice cream?" She nodded fastly and her eyes shone in hapiness. "Let's go!" She ran to the door and grabbed a jacket in the process. I just stare in amazement and smiled at her childish act. Suddenly she turned back and dragged me with her.

"Let's go!"

---- ---- ----

"So.. Where is it?" She said as she turned her head to all directions to look for the ice cream vendor. I grabbed her hand and dragged her to cross the street. "This waayyy" I said in cheery tone.

After we crossed the street, I looked at our linked hands. Her hands feel so warm and big compared to my hands. We stopped and looked at our linked hands. We looked at each other and quickly averted our eyes and reluctantly let go of our hands. Amber rubbed her nape and I just stood there, didn't know what to do with my heart beating wildly inside my chest. "So.. Let's go then." She said. I nodded and we walked again.

The street was not as crowded as before but more people walked on the side walk and entered the shops and restaurant. My finger tip brused across her hand and I could feel a jolt of electricity through my body. I looked up to her but she looked away, at the same time I could see her ears turned redish.

"That's the ice cream!" I exclaimed and pointed at the shop. We walked faster and were greeted by an old lady behind the cashier. She smiled warmly, "What could I get for this lovely couple today?"

"W-what?" Amber stuttered and her eyes went as big as a plater.

"I want the mango, and you?" I nudged at Amber and she snapped out from her daze. "A-ah, I want the c-chocolate.". The lady smiled and took out 2 cones and scooped each flavor to each cone and handed them to me. Suddenly Amber took out her wallet and paid her, "Thank you so much, Ahjumma." She said and smiled warmly at her. The lady nodded and waved her hand when we walked away.

We sat on a bench and gazed at the street. Amber was in daze again and stared at something interesting on her shoes. She shook her head and licked her ice cream. "This is really good!" She licked it again and leaned back to the bench. I smiled and leaned back, copying her.

"Hey Amber..". She hummed and licked her ice cream again.

"Do you..."


"Do you have someone you.. like?" She stopped licking and looked at me with those warm eyes. She chuckled and licked her ice cream again.

"Actually.. I do."

I tightened the grip to my ice cream and looked straight into her eyes, "Oh my god?! Really?! Who is it?" I faked a surprised face to cover my curious face and looked at her intently.

She ate the cone and dusted the crumb from her hand. She chewed while looking straight at me. "Guess who. I guess you know this person well." She answered shortly and folded her arms in front of her chest.

Her answer surprised me and I let my guards down and my face accidently showed a hint of disappointment. Minah's face popped in my mind and it really bugs me and I hate it really bad. My mood dropped and I ate the last piece of the cone and chewed it slowly.

"Hey you."

"What?" I turned my head to her.

She just chuckled and shook her head. "Naah.. It's nothing.". I frowned at her answer but I just shruged it off. I guess it's just Amber being Amber.

"Well.. It's almost dinner time. Let's go back." She stood up and pulled me up. My mood really dropped hard and I don't even have my appetite to eat anymore.

We walked slowly with Amber observing the stores and the streets. "What's with the long face?" Amber said and laughed as she pointed at my face. I swatted her hand away and walked faster, leaving her behind.

"Awww.. Come on Krystal Jung.. Don't be mad, pleasee~" Amber said in cute voice. I could feel a smile crept on my face but I decided to tease her further.

"Talk to my back."

"Oh. Okay then. Hey Krystal's back, can you tell your owner to stop being mad for whatever her reason is to me? Thanks." Amber walked faster and bumped her fist to my back to do a fist bump with my back. She walked beside me and drapped her arm over my shoulder.

"Who's this ugly mad lady beside me now?" She teased me. I kept silent but elbowed her stomach.


"Serves you right!" I looked at her and do a 'merong' to her. She laughed and pulled me closer to her when we crossed the street. I looked up and the sky was already dark and the street lights already on.

"Smile, Jung. It's good for you." She grinned and showed me her perfect set of pearly white teeth. The corner of my lips tugged upwards and I looked away from her.

"Now.. Who's this pretty lady with that perfect smile?" I kept silent and looked at her from the corner of my eyes. She smiled brighter and her eyes also smiled with her.

"It's you."

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