Chapter 13

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Everyone had their jaws dropped, even Coach Choi couldn't believe what just happened in front of him. Kris and Jackson don't even have the time to react, but it's all too late.


Amber just dunk the ball after 5 seconds after Coach Choi tossed the ball and now she's curently hanging on the ring.

"Halllpp! I can't get dowwwnn!"


All the members laughed out loud and some even rolled on the floor while clutching their stomach. I got to admit she's good at this, but next time, find away to get down, please.

"Kris! Help her." Coach Choi instructed Kris. He jogged to the ring and ready to catch Amber in his arm. Amber let go of her grip and fell in Kris's arm. He helped her to stand and now we realize the huge height gap between both of them. Amber smiled widely and patted Kris on his head while tip-toeing. For a moment, Kris froze and a smile crept on his smile while rubbing his head.

"Come on, boys! Get her!"

Kris passed the ball to Jackson, before Jackson could turned around, Amber came and stole the ball and once again scored a perfect 3 point.

Amber 5 - 0 Main Team

"Run Jackson!" Kris passed a long pass to Jackson and he ran as fast as he could to catch the ball. Jackson was running with all his might, but before he knew it, Amber was already in front of him, ready to catch the ball.


Jackson screamed and reached out his hand to touch the ball, but it was all useless, Amber got the ball first and sprinted as fast as she could to the other side of the court.

Her steps were wide and solid, but it looks so effortless. The wind danced with her blonde hair and she has the happiest smile I've ever seen. She's as fast as lighting and in no time, she's already coming up to Kris.

"You can't get through me!"

We witnessed the ultimate showdown of this match,

The perfect offense vs. The unbreakable defense.

Kris was ready to block Amber's sprint. He spread his arm and it was almost 2 meters wide. Kris was famous as the 'Spider Tower' in our team. Once he spread his arms, no one, I mean NO ONE can escape or get through him. With his tall body, he could block almost all the highest pass in the previous match.

But, all of those achivement, will be destroyed right in front of his eyes.

Amber slowed down, but sprinted even faster and looks like she will crash her body onto Kris.

"Get her, Kris!" Jackson yelled while running to catch Amber from behind. Kris was ready to catch her but -


No one could believe their own eyes There was silence inside the court, and the sound of the bouncing ball was the only thing that broke the silence.

The moment before Jackson catch her and Kris got his hand on the ball,

She disappeared.

She literally disappeared from our sight, and came back to reality after she got through Kris and scored another perfect 3 point.

Before we could catch her movement, she's already under the ring dribbling the ball in her hand. Kris and Jackson froze on their spot with their eyes wide open. The only thing we could hear was the sound of the ball going through the net.

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