Chapter 3

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sorry im writing short chapters i will try to make the other ones longer<3

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Niall's POV* *2  days later*

I haven't stopped thinking about her. Everything I think about leads me back to her. Her sparkling emerald eyes. How nervous she was when she first walked up to us. Her cute little giggle when she said Niallers. I haven't told any of the guys yet. They would think I'm crazy. Not even Zayn. He always checks the girls before I ask them out. He always gives me a good reason not to go out with them. I wish he wasn't always so right.

Today was a free day, and we were having a burping contest. Whoever lost had to buy lunch at Nando's. I was winning! I'm so excited to fill my giant appetite! I wonder how much Ali eats...?

*Ali's POV*

I haven't stopped thinking about him. All my thoughts lead to him. His piercing blue eyes. His perfect blonde hair, that was starting to darken at the roots. I wonder if he's thinking about me.

I just finished a photo shoot. It was horrible. I don't think I'm that pretty, but I never wear 4 pounds of makeup. Sometimes just a little. Well, the stupid makeup artist decided to cake me in the stuff. Ugh. No. Just no. Then, they make me where one of those skirts that ride up your ass like the girls at my old high school wear. And, to add the cherry on top, a bow bandeu. I mean, I'm not trying to be labeled as a freakin whore here.

I didn't change or take off the makeup yet. I was still in a pissy mood. Until I saw him. Sitting by the stage, with the rest of the boys. He was staring at Harry, who looked like he was trying to make himself throw up. Interesting. Before I could walk away and change, he saw me, and remembered me. "ALI!"

*Niall's POV*

I was focused on Harry, to see if he could manage a burp. He looked like he was going to pass out. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. Is it-is it really her?

"ALI!" I yelled as loud as I could. The boys looked startled. I didn't care. What mattered right now was that I got to talk to her. To see her beautiful face. I hope she's as lovely as she seems.

*Ali's POV*

I slowly turned around, trying to hide the giddy smile on my face. I slowly turned around and headed towards the boys, towards Niall. "Hey guys!" I smiled. Then, I realized I was still dressed like a whore. Oops. "I-uh-I just had a photo shoot and they basically caked me in make up and made me dress like a whore." They chuckled. Good sign. Then Harry burped.It was a pretty pathetic burp.

"Damn it!" he yelled. I was confused.

"We are having a burping contest. Wanna join?" Niall asked, with a look of hope in his eyes. I think.


"But, only if you come to lunch with us." Niall smiled a flirty smile at me. I raised an eyebrow, and then, being the shy loser I am, I looked down and blushed. Was he flirting with me? I hope so.

"Erm, what he means is, that the loser buys lunch for all of us at Nando's." Zayn said, while giving Niall a look. What was the look? Did he do something wrong? Did I do something wrong? I tried to ignore it.

"So, you think I'm going to lose? Yeah, haha, no. I will beat all of you." I could totally win this. "Whose winning right now?"

"I am." Niall said, with a curious look on his face. Well, I hope he likes girls that burp.

"Soda?" I said as I reached my hand out. I was totally going to play this cool. He slowly grabbed his soday and handed it to me. I started taking huge gulps right out of the can. They don't seem like the type of people to care about drinking out of each others drinks and besides, I WAS DRINKING OUT OF NIALL HORAN'S DRINK!!! TRYING NOT TO FANGIRL!!!

I slowly swallowed my last gulp, waited a few seconds, then basically burped the loudest burp I have ever burped before. They all clapped, looking impressed. "Better than Niall's! And he usually always wins!" Liam said.

"Do you guys mind if I change really fast before we go?" I asked.

"Go ahead." Louis said. I ran off to find Kelly.

"Hey Kelly, are there any extra clothes backstage?" I asked.

"There's some high-waisted shorts that we didn't use from the photo shoot." she offered.

"Thanks, and do you have any makeup wipes?" She handed me like 5 and I wiped off the last of it before getting the shorts. I have to admit, they did look pretty good with this top. Less whorish than that short ass skirt. I borrowed an extra cardigan that Kelly had too. I like her more now.

I smiled. I was about to go to lunch with One Direction.


I will try to post the shorts under multimedia on the side.sorry if it doenst show! thanks for reading! I luhh you soo mush!!!

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