Chapter 5 Part 2

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I'm sorry. I'm really trying to make the chapters longer....I luhh you soo mush. please comment, vote, follow me, or follow me on twitter: Caitlin Fitter


*Ali's POV*

The movie ended and Louis, Harry, and Zayn were asleep. Liam and Niall decided to put a horror movie on. Oh shit. I'm horrible with horror movies. I watched the beginning till some back door opened and I was like no. Just, No. I hid in Niall's shoulder the rest of the movie which I didn't mind and he didn't seem to mind either. "Hey, Ali. The movie is over and Liam is asleep." Niall whispered.

"Okay. Do you want to go to out to the living room so we can talk normally?" I whispered.

"Sure" We slowly got out of the bed and walked to the living room. I closed the door quietly and walked over to where he was sitting. I plopped down across from him and put my feet on his lap."You know, I never watched the X-factor." Niall said.

"Oh. Well, I was on it." I didn't really know what else to say.

"You see, the boys all watched, and they kept telling me about this beautiful girl, who was full of personality, and a lovely singer as well. I never really paid attention to them. Until i saw you. After you first walked over to us and introduced yourself, I knew you were the one the boys would rave about. I watched every single episode of the X-factor after that, just to see you." They raved about me? I can't believe it! "And after watching all those episodes, I'm surprised they even talked about anything else. I mean, Ali, you are beautiful." I sat there, wide eyed about what Niall Horan just said.

"Wow. Thank you! I mean, seriously. Before the X-factor, no one ever gave me a second look." I said, as I put my head down, ashamed of my life.

"Well Ali, I will tell you, that you deserve a second look, and a third look, and a fourth look,and a fifth look,and a sixth look, and-" While he was talking, he slowly started to lean his face into mine. I put my head up, and kissed him. He put his arms protectively around my waist while my arms were loosely locked around his neck. It was a sweet kiss, not filled with lust. I broke away and put my forehead on his, while staring into his eyes. "Well, I hope I get to do more of that," He said. I laughed and stood up.

"Come on. Let's pull out the bed under the couch then go to my roomto get blankets and pillows." We did just that. We were laying on the couch-bed snuggled up in covers, watching Pitch Perfect. I started getting really sleepy during the riff off. Niall started singing the different songs, and I leaned my head on his shoulder, listening to him sing about sex.

Right before I fell into a deep sleep, Niall leaned down to kiss me on the fore head and I swear I heard him whisper, " I love you."


HI IM SOOOOO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING BUT WATTPAD WASNT SAVING SO I HAD TO RETYPE THIS A MILLION TIMES!!!!!!!!!!! btdubs they arent an official couple.any ship names??

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