Chapter 10 Part 1

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hi! i hope you liked the last chapter....i luhh you so mush....and inspiredcats: fiiine u get a small part in this ch...... btw ali doesn't have an actual twitter so don't try to find her tweets or anything...idk...


*Christy's POV*

I'm so glad I came and I made Ali tell Niall. Right now she's talking to him upstairs. I'm standing guard to make sure no one goes up there. I have never really been a One Direction fan.....I barely knew their names. All of the sudden someone sweaty and extremely atractive walked in. I think it was Harry. All of the sudden he noticed I was there. "Uh, hi. Are-are you, um Christy?" He said.

"Yes. Are you Harry? One of Niall's bandmates?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Not a big fan of One Direction, I guess?"

"Nope." I said, then took a bite of pizza.

"Where did you get that pizza?" Harry asked.

"Upstairs. But, you can't go up their." I said. Harry walked over to me, and stood inches from my face, looking me straight in the eye.

"And why is that?" He said in a deep voice, while putting his hands on the door frame on either side of me so I couldn't escape.

"Because Ali and Niall are having a heart to heart and it's really serious I'm not even joking." I can't fall for him. I have a boyfriend. Kind of.All of the sudden he frowned.

"What's it about?"

"I can't tell you but I'm sure soon enough she will tell you herself."

He still had his hands on either side of me. He moved his hands to my hips and brushed my jawline with his lips before whispering in my ear, " You know, you're pretty stunning, love. Where's your man?"

I wish he wasn't so attractive. "At-uh-at home." I barely managed to choke out. Harry just had that effect on people,I guess.

"Well then I guess, since he's so far away, he won't mind me doing this." Harry said, before pressing his lips onto mine. He brushed his tongue on my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I immediately opened my mouth, and felt his smirk against my lips. He was about to lift me up when the door opened and a loud voice rang out.

"OHMIGOSH IM SO HUNGRY I NEED FOOD AND IM SO TIRED I NEED A NA-" I guess that's when the guy noticed me and Harry, both blushing and standing a little bit away from each other in an awkward way. 

"Hey Boobear..." Harry said, while rubbing the back of his neck.


"Uh, hi, I'm Christy. Um yeah we were kind of kissing but it was an accident I have a boyfriend. Ali and Niall are upstairs talking sono one can go up there." I said. I don't really like lying so may as well tell the truth. He finally calmed down.

"Oh, okay. Let's order food!!!" Louis and Harry ordered food then introduced me to the other band members as they walked in. They chatted and ate while I sat and thought. I had a boyfriend, Luke, he was the boy all the girls wanted. He used to be a manwhore but he promised me he wouldn't cheat on me and that he loved me. I loved him back and he knew that. He also knows I'm not in America right now. Out of nowhere, my frenemy, Sarah, sent me a picture. It was of my boyfriend,Luke, with the whore of our old highschool, Saniya. There she is, fake tan and extensions,making out with my boyfriend. But, of course his hands are on her ass so he must have pulled her into a kiss. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Cry because he told me he loved me and had moved past his manwhore days. Or laughbecause now I'm single and I can make out with Harry again. Although, he is an international popstar and probably just wants a one night stand.

I guess my brain decided cry because before I knew it I was excusing myself to the bathroom.I closed the door before sliding down the wall in tears. He was the first guy to tell me he loves me. I was bawling when there came a quiet knock at the door. "C-come in." I said. Harry opened the door and knelt downbeside me. 

"What's wrong,love? Is it something that I did? I'm sorry I kissed you. I shouldn't have done that." He's so sweet! I couldn't talk so I just handed him my phone and it showed the picture of my boyfriend. "Th-thats ma-my boyfriend." I barely managed to get out.

"Break up with him. He shouldn't be with that whore anyways. You are a lovely, kind, smart, funny, and beautiful girl. And you don't deserve that" He pulled me onto his lap and clicked the new message button on my iphone. I took it from him and typed in Luke's name. "Wait. I change my mind. I want to call him." I typed in his number. As it started ringing, I whispered to Harry, "Pretend you are fucking me!"

All of the sudden I heard Luke's voice say, "Hey babe." That asshole. Harry started making sex noises and I started fake moaning Harry's name. All of the sudden Luke started yelling my name and I started moaning louder. He deserves this, the asshole. Then he hung up and me and Harry started cracking up. All of the sudden we heard loud footsteps then a bunch of knocks at the bathroom door. We quickly stood up and I opened it. There stood Liam, Louis, and Zayn. 

"Um, were you guys just umm like having sex?" Zayn asked. I literally fell on the floor laughing while Harry explained we were just getting back at my cheating ex. Then we all went back into the living room and chatted while smiling at the dozens of panic texts from Luke to me. The asshole deserved it.


This chapter is in 2 parts and the next chapter is Harrys POV on what just happened and then it goes on. btdubs in this chapter ali and niall were upstairs the whole time so it was basically what the others were doing while they were talking. i luhh you all soo mushh.

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