Chapter 30

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*2 months later so about 5ish months pregnant*

I went to the doctor's office a few more times with Niall and it's amazing to see a little baby in my stomach. That life is right inside me.

But, cravings suck. Luckily, I'm not getting morning sickness but I'm eating more and have to buy looser clothes. We found out I was having a girl. Niall has been really supportive through it all. I went to my sister's house for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. I thought she would be upset, and she was a little bit but she thought if I was happy than she should be happy for me. Her twins were so cute! They kept stroking my belly softly. I'm just starting to feel kicks. It's the most magical feeling. I love being pregnant.

*9 months pregnant*

I hate being pregnant. I'm due tomorrow and I'm excited for this girl to get out of me. All I eat basically ice cream and I can't move. I lay on the couch in pain with this huge bulge just waiting for her to get out. Niall trys to soothe me, but I want her out.

*2 weeks later*

It's 9 o'clock at night. Once again I'm wondering if this baby is ever going to come out. Then, I felt it. It wasn't a kick. Niall was in the bathroom. I squeezed his pillow and tried to breathe the way they showed me. A few minutes later, I was listening to the bath water running. I felt it again, this tiem, a lot stronger. Then I felt lots of wetness seeping through my pajamas. Then, I realized my water broke. "NIALL, SHE'S COMING!" I yelled. Niall ran inand I pulled the sheets down, revealing a large wet spot on the matress. He ran to my side to help me up when I felt that feeling again. It was a contraction.

*At the hospital*

"Okay breathe. Here come's another contraction.Your at 8 centimeters this one should do it. Breathe." The doctor said. Niall was to my right, and he looked like he was in pain.

"Hun, what's wrong?" I said through breathing.

"Your squeezing my hand really hard." He said, wincing.

"Oh, I'm sorry," I said, immediately removing my hand from his. He grabbed my hand again.

"Your going through more pain then me, and it's sweet of you to try to put me first, but I want to be here for you." I smiled through the pain.

"Umm you're at 10 centimeters, but the baby isn't coming. We have to do an emergency c-section." The doctor interupts. I nod my head. I mean, if they have to, they have to.

*almost to the end of the c-section*

There was a curtain up that stopped me from seeing what was happening. Niall was on my side. He was really nervous, I could tell. I could tell something was being lifted, but no crying. I looked at Niall, who was looking over to the other side. That was how I knew they had sewed me up. Niall started to cry, but it wasn't happy tears. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked.

"Our baby, she's, she's dead."

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