Chapter 20

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 My brother moved to Missouri:( I don't know if I know everyone reading but please comment, vote, etc...idk....enjoy! I luhh you soo mush! 


*Niall's POV*

Why. Why did she have to bond with her mom? Even after our original conversation about her past and her cutting, we talked more, and she said her mom has done nothing. What kind of person allows that to happen to her daughter? I sure wouldn't when Ali and I have kids. And, yes, I plan to, in the future after we marry. Not that we have talked about it. But I have thought about it. A lot.

I had just arrived at the house Ali texted me. It was a gigantic mansion. I sat in the car with my head in the steering wheel, hoping Ali was okay, and that this would be a normal dinner. I got out of the car and leaned against the side. I really didn't want to meet her parents. I wouldn't be able to bare shaking hands with the woman who caused so much pain in Ali's life. If her mom would have stood up for her, things would be a lot different. Although, I might have not known Ali. I decided to text her.

To: Ali

Hey babee! I'm outside are you coming?

Right as I clicked send, I heard a loud crash coming through a window. I saw a window open and someone in a dress stick a leg out. What the hell, I thought. All of the sudden about seven police cars pulled up around my car. This can't be happening. I ran to the front of the house and the police officers started to yell at me. but I kept running. I was almost to the front when I saw the figure in a dress fall out the window. I squinted my eyes, till I realized it was Ali. "ALI!" I screamed. I ran over to her broken, bloodied body. She looked either passed out, or dead.

I cried over her body until I noticed the police going inside the house. When the walked back out, one police man was carrying a woman who could barely keep her eyes open. she also looked bloodied and broken. Then, three police men struggled to pull out a large man in handcuffs who kept fighting them. I was filled with fury. I  walked over to him, hands shaking with anger, and, before I could contain myself, I punched him in the face, hard. He would have fallen over if it wasn't for the three police men holding him. The rest of the police officers surrounded as he yelled some very explicit words to me. Another police man grabbed me and put me in handcuffs. I didn't care. I really just wanted this man dead. I calmly followed the police man that led me to the back of his car. They put Ali's dad a few cars in front of me. I watched the an emergency fire truck come and take Ali and her mom together to be rushed to the hospital. I sat there, tears streaming down my face. 

They drove me to the station, and told me I had to spend the night there. Then, while I was in a cell, a lady asked me questions about Ali, her dad, her mom, her past, everything. I obediently answered every question, barely holding together. Only doing this for Ali. After the police officer left, I started crying. What Ali woke up without me beingg there. Just lying there, confused. What if she didn't remember anything. I had to sit in a cell. The whole night. Wondering. Thinking. What if she forgot?

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