Chapter 24

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*Ali's POV* *One month later*

Life sucks right now. The pain is real. The nurse gave me meds to take home today so I won't be dying the whole time. I stilll have a cast on my leg and another weird cast this over my ribs to protect them for the next 7 months. I feel so bad, having to delay the concert, but they insisted. Niall rented I cute little townhome that we are staying in for the next 7 months. The boys are kind of happy about this break, them miss their girlfriends and families. I'm happy they get to spend time with them, but I will miss them a lot. Harry is staying here for three months or so, and he's staying with Christy. We offered him our spare bedroom, but he declined. He probably just wants to stay with her so they can have sex, but oh well. I know she really loves him. My sister is staying near us too, for now, at least until the trial, which won't be for at least 3 months.

Right now, I'm sitting in my bed, waiting for Niall to come back with a wheelchair. He walks in, grinning. "Someone looks happy!" I say, grinning.

"Your sister's kids are just so damn cute! They call me Uncle Niallers!" He says grinning. Ichuckle in response, but couldn't help but feel surprise. Did Niall really want to marry someone as messed up as me? Am I too young to marry anyway? I'm only 18, almost 19.

"Oh my goodness! My birthday is in a week! I can't believe I forgot!" I said. Niall looked upset.

"You never told me your birthday is next week." He said sadly.

"Well, in my family, my birthday has never been a big deal. My sister always tried to celebrate, and my mom alway tried to secretly get me something. But, that's it. In fact, the first birthday party I ever had was when I turned 16. Christy had noticed that I was 15 and didn't have a birthday party, and since by then she knew my secret, she planned me a surprise 16 birthday. I always gotsomething from her after that, and she would try to bring cake to school, but that's all. Birthdays were just birthdays." Niall looked at me, shocked. "What?" I asked.

"I can't believe you have never had a birthday! I'm planning a birthday party for you. It's happening. You turning 19 is going to be the event of the century!" I  giggled as he pulled out his phone and started typing. I heard the ding of my phone and saw that Niall tweeted: Hey guys! Ali's birthdays is next saturday so help me make it a huge one! She's almost 19!!!!

"Well, there's a start." he said. I laughed as Niall picked me up and sat me down gently in the wheelchair. It was so cute how gentle he was being, trying not to hurt me. We wheeled out of the room, my bag in my lap. I couldn't help but think if Niall ever thought of a future with me. I don't think he knows this, but he's my first boyfriend, but I love him with all my heart. 

"Niall, do you love me?" I ask quickly, kind of just thinking out loud. The wheel chair stopped. Niall walked in front of me and bent down in front of me.

"Ali, I could never love any woman in the entire world more than I love you. You are my everything, my all. You need to know that forever because I could never have you questioning my love fore you." I started tearing up and went to bend down to hug Niall, only to wince because of the pain  exploding from my ribs. He stood up and leaned over to me, kissing me softly. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me for awhile.

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