Chapter 22

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I'm trying to do a lot of updates this week because I don't think I will be able to update at all next week...sorry! but here's the next chapter!!


*Ali's POV*

"You sister is coming" I couldn't breathe. I didn't know what to think. My sister was my world, and she let me down. She was the big dissappointment. She hurt me way more than my father ever could. She left me. "Oh my gosh Ali are you okay? You are really pale? Do you need a nurse." Niall asked. I slowly shook my head no. But, a nurse walked in all of the sudden anyway. "Hello miss Ali! Good to see your awake! You have some more visitors! Shall I bring them in?" I looked at Niall.

"Who is it?" Niall asked.

"A mother, a husband, and two darling little girls. She said she was a family member." The nurse said. Niall looked at me. This had to be her. 

"Umm Niall? Can you talk to her first? Then come back in here?" I asked. Niall nodded and walked out.

*Niall's POV*

Ali's sister had contacted the police while I was in custody. Ali was still passed out, so they told me to tell her. I couldn't believe I was meeting her. I had so many questions. There she was. Still blond hair blue eyes, as Ali had described her. Next to her was a man, brown hair and brown eyes. They were holding hands, watching two gorgeous two year old girls. Both were brunette, but one had blue eyes and one had brown eyes. Ali's sister, Alana, stood up, and walked over to me.

"Hi. You must be Ali's boyfriend, Niall. She was all over the internet when you guys first started dating so I saw you." I'm not going to lie. This woman had a voice as sweet as syrup, with a light british accent. "I'm Alana, Ali's sister. This is my husband, Alex, and our twins, Alexis and Alyssa. Alyssa is blue-eyed and Alexis is brown-eyed." That was literally the only way to tell them apart. 

"Yes, Ali told me a bit about you."Her little girls noticed me, and walked over to where we were standing.

"Hi! I'm Alexis and this is my sister, Alyssa. We're twins! Are you are uncle?" Alexis asked.

"Mommy said we were going to meet our aunty and she was talking to you so you must be our uncle! Hey! You have blue eyes just like me! We're matching!" Alyssa giggled. I knelt down to their level.

"Hello their darlings. I'm not your uncle yet, bu I hope to be one day," I said, tapping their noses."You know, your aunt is right in that door." The little girls ran away from me to peek in the window. Alana's husband walked over to us. 

"Hi, you must be Niall. I'm Alex. It's nice to meet you. Is Ali awake yet? I have never met her but I would really like to. She must be so strong considering all she's had to go through." Alana looked down. She must feel so bad, leaving her sister. 

"Yeah she's awake. Let me see if she's up for visitors." I walked to the door to see the girls peeking in, staring at Ali. 

"That's my auntie?" Alexis asked.

"Yeah she is." I said.

"She's pretty." Alyssa said. I chuckled and opened the door. Before I could stop them, Alexis and Alyssa barged into the room. Ali looked a bit overwhelmed. They introduced themselves and hopped on her bed. Alana and Alex peeked their heads in. 

"Girls! Give your aunt some space, okay? Don't overwhelm her!" Alana said. She looked at Ali, and her eyes filled with tears. She ran over and squeezed Ali over and over again. She kept muttering, "Ali....Ali.......I'm so sorry.............I'm so sorry!"

Alex pulled the girls off the bed and out of the room. I followed them to the cafeteria. I ordered a sandwich, but I couldn't eat, I was wondering what was happening between the two sisters. Would their relationship ever be the same?

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