Chapter 8

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*Harry's POV*

I know what I did was wrong. I really did almost crush her but I caught myself before putting all my weight on her. I looked right into those sparkling green eyes and almost leaned in for kiss but I stopped myself just in time. That would have ruined our friendship, me and Niall's friendship, it would have ruined everything. No one can know. I just need to get over her.

When I first woke up, I washed my face then walked down the hall to see everyone sitting in the living room. "Hey guys. What's up?" I said, rubbing my eyes. That's the last thing I remember after getting punched in the nose and falling over and passing out. Right before I blacked out though, I faintly remember Niall climbing in top of me and whispering angrily in my ear, " Don't you ever dare to try to steal my fucking girl."

*Ali's POV*

I spent the night in Niall's room, trying to convince him that there was nothing going on between me and Harry, that Harry didn't have a crush on me, and that it was an accident that he fell in top of me. The magazines made it look like me and Harry were about to kiss me. But now, after 2 hours on an angry phone call with management, we can't go on our date. Niall is beyond pissed off, and he blames it all on Harry. We were all waiting for him in his living room when Niall just lost it. I swear if I hadn't pulled him off of Harry, he might of killed him. I don't want to sound weird but I think it's kind of cute that he's so protective and jealous over me. We haven't even really been on a real first date yet. Management said we need to do some damage control because everyone would think I'm two timing Harry and Niall if they saw Niall with me. We aren't sure how long it's going to be before we can come out in the public together. I was sitting in Harry's living room when I decided to tweet:

btw hali isnt real!!! harry fell on top of me!

I immedietly started getting responses some of them were responses such as : "omg k good" or "u guys woodnt look good together anyways." But, sadly, the majority of the comments were something like: "omg u little fucking liar u guys are totes together!!!" or "i dont believe it."

Niall and I sat in silence. Harry had been dragged back to his bed and will probably be there awhile. I decided to break the silence. "Hey, are you okay?" I said gently. Niall brushed a hand through his hair.

"No. No. No i'm not fucking okay. This date was supposed to be perfect and Harry had to just come over and fucking ruin everything!" I walked over to the couch he was sitting on and sat down next to him.

"Hey, dar, everything will be okay. Maybe we can do something inside the hotel?" I said gently. His face lit up. He grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me smack on the lips.

"Ali! You are the best ever! Okay now go in your room and stay there till I call you. Someone will come in a little bit later!" He pushed me out the door and slammed it shut. Oh well. I guess I will go to my room.

*Niall's POV*

Ali is such a genious! She wanted to do something casual so I rented out a wholw bowling alley to ourselves, but now because of Harry, I have a d!ifferent idea. I called Louis, Zayn, and Perrie and told them to come to Harry's room immediately. When they arrived I told them my idea and they were all in agreement. Louis was to stay here and explain everything to Harry and take care of him when he wakes up. While he is asleep he is to call the bowling alley and rent pins and balls. Zayn job is to clear the halls, pick up the stuff, and set it up. Perrie's job was to get Ali ready for the date. We are going to turn this whole floor into a bowling alley.

*Ali's POV*

About 45 minutes after Niall sent me to my room, Perrie knocked at the door. She said that we had to get ready for my date. I was completely confused but I went along with it. I put on the outfit we had picked out the day before. She helped me do cat eye makeup and straighten my hair. I then put my hair into a long, loose fishtail on the side. I then got a text from Niall.

To: Ali


hey dar come outside your room i have a surpise! x.

I walked outside and gasped! Niall had turned this whole floor into a bowling alley! I love bowling! It's one of my favorite things to do! After bowling for a few hours, we ate pizza and talked about life. By then it was about 8:30. He said he had another surprise for me. He blindflded me and walked me into an elevator and outside to the back of the hotel. In the back of the hotel, there was a large grass hill with a park on one side of it. He took my blindfold off and there were lights everywhere! On top of the biggest grass hill, were some ice blocks and sled looking things that you put ice in. We were going iceblocking! He definetly must have had a connection becaues I love ice blocking too! After doing that for about two hours, we finally walked back into to the hotel and went back to my room. We kissed (multiple times) and he came inside my hotel room. I put on my pajamas and walked over to the bed, where Niall was sitting. I hopped on the bed snuggled up next to him. "Did you enjoy our fist date, love?" He asked.

"It was so much fun! How did you know I love bowling and ice blocking?"

"I called one of your friends, Christy."

"She's supposed to come visit in a few weeks!" Niall chuckled.

"I know, love." He yawned. "We should probably get to sleep." Niall said.

"Kay. Goodnight dar."

Niall spent the night that night and the next morning Louis called and said Harry finally woke up. We had to go to a press conference that day. When we got there, I was immediately bombarded with questions. "Is it true you are dating Harry Styles?" a fat lady asked.

"No, i'm not dating Harry Styles. We are just friends."

"Then why did he almost kiss you?" Some guy reporter with a mole asked.

"He didn't. He accidentally fell on top of me in the mall because he was laughing." I said.

The reporters finally started asking about the tour and how it's going. Most of those questions were for the boys. Since management said Niall and I can't release that we are dating for at least 6 weeks, when another reporter asked if I was single, I had to say yes. I saw Niall at the corner of my eye, and he was cringing. But I will probably be single in a few weeks anyway, after Christy makes me tell him my secret.


btdubs dar is short for darling. and her outfit for the date is on the side. I luhhhh you alll sooo mussshhhhh.

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